In the nineteenth century, plant biologists began placing greater emphasis on how plants fit into communities. ▋This growing focus on the history of plant communities led to a critical concept in e…
The emphasis of this new "community ecology" was on the composition and structure of communities consisting of different species. In the early twentieth century, the American ecologist Frederic Clements pointed out that a succession of plant communities would develop after a disturbance such as a ...
In the late nineteenth century, ecology began to grow into an independent science from its roots in natural history and plant geography. The emphasis of this new “community ecology” was on the composition and structure of communities consisting of different species. In the early twentieth century...
密码保护:Succession in Plant CommunitiesPosted on 09/03/2020 by 周, 周杰 此内容受密码保护。如需查阅,请在下列字段中输入您的密码。 密码: Posted in Uncategorized · 网站无需注册登陆,即可使用· 付费加密内容或福利资料请咨询· 课程规划请咨询顾问老师 联系我们|课程|咨询 & 报名 在线时间:周一至...
A.Areas that are recovering from serious disturbances like volcanic eruptions and heavy floods provide special opportunities to observe the development of plant communities. B.Whether a given species will be found in a given ecosystem strongly depends on what other species it would interact with in ...
○Areas that are recovering from serious disturbances like volcanic eruptions and heavy floods provide special opportunities to observe the development of plant communities. ○Whether a given species will be found in a given ecosystem strongly depends on what other species it would interact with in th...
consistingofdifferentspecies.Intheearlytwentiethcentury,theAmericanecologist FredericClementspointedoutthatasuccessionofplantcommunitieswoulddevelop afteradisturbancesuchasavolcaniceruption,heavyflood,orforestfire.An abandonedfield,forinstance,willbeinvadedsuccessivelybyherbaceousplants (plantswithlittleornowoodytissue),shru...
Succession, Climax, and Ecosystems In the late nineteenth century, ecology began to grow into an independent science from its roots in natural history and plant geography. The emphasis of this new community ecology was on the composition and structure of communities consisting of different species. ...
第一段:19世纪晚期,生态学成为一门独立的科学;同时一个新的名词“community ecology”出现
A.Areas that are recovering from serious disturbances like volcanic eruptions and heavy floods provide special opportunities to observe the development of plant communities. B.Whether a given species will be found in a given ecosystem strongly depends on what other species it would interact with in ...