A close analytical study of UAE law helps clarify how civil liability is established and apportioned between the National Media Council (vicarious liability), media outlets and individual users, alongside other findings.doi:10.1080/13600834.2018.1517434lyad Mohammad Jadalhaq...
Although not a prime public health concern, seasonal influenza remains a challenge in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). This problem is augmented by the fact that the percentage of the population intending to take the yearly seasonal influenza vaccine is relatively low. The purpose of this study i...
Massive open online courses (MOOCs) are the new form of educational experience that has emerged as a result of the distance learning development as well as the movement to open educational resources. We can talk about the fourth-integrative st
There was another hurdle to overcome for those who are authorized for post-completion OPT; if they are unemployed for 90 days from the OPT start date, they have to leave the United States. Participants expressed difficulties in finding job opportunities within those short period, especially during...
Role of FinTech Adoption for Competitiveness and Performance of the Bank: A Study of Banking Industry in UAE. Int. J. Glob. Bus. Compet. 2021, 16, 130–138. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Yadav, N.; Swami, S.; Pal, P. High Technology Marketing: Conceptualization and Case Study. ...
Water scarcity due to rainfall variability, and exacerbated by climate change, is prevalent in many regions of the world. Lack of precipitation and excessive water extraction contribute to the intensification of the problem. Among different mitigation me
Since the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, the number of international students in the United States had been gradually increasing. However, the total numbers have begun to decrease since 2019–2020 school year due to the Trump administration's p
the cases of jurisdiction of the Emirati court in civil liability claims; determining the law applicable to those cases, and other findings and recommendations, the most important of which were: the UAE Penal Code criminalizes this behavior and punishes it with a sentence of three to fifteen year...
Legal Regulation of the Penalty Warrant in the UAE Law: An Analytical StudyAllied Business AcademiesIbrahim Suleiman Al Qatawneh Moustafa Elmetwaly Keel
Legal Protection of Shareholders of the Company Targeted by Friendly Takeover Bid: Analytical Study in UAE LawAlaa Al-Nuaimi