因此,明白了,这个函数就是处理相同行:把几个相同的行的值加在一起变为一行 也就明白了,下面👇为什么要进行sub操作,其实就是为了把loc去掉,暴露出相同的基因名,才能执行aggregateAcrossFeatures函数 sce.zeisel<-aggregateAcrossFeatures(sce.zeisel,id=sub("_loc[0-9]+$","",rownames(sce.zeisel)))>dim(sce...
The quality and molar concentration of libraries were assessed by Bioanalyzer. Sequencing was performed on Illumina HiSeq 2000 or 2500 with Single-End 50 cycle kit using the Read1 DI-Read1-Seq, Index 1 STRT-Tn5-U and Index 2 DI-idxP1A-Seq. Reads of 45 bp were generated, expected to...
题目10.EP sychologis tst a ke o pp os ing viewsof how ex t e r nalrewar d s, f romw a r mprais e toco ld c a sh,a ff ect m o t i vation a ndc re ativi ty. Behavi o rists, w ho s tu dyt he r el a tio n betwe e n acti ...
seqstring s,t1,t2; printf("Input string s:"); //输入主串 gets(s.str); printf("\nInput string t1:"); //输入模式串 gets(t1.str); printf("\nInput string t2:"); //输入拟替换的串 gets(t2.str); s.length=strlen(s.str); ...
本发明提供了一种基于快速突变YSTR基因座的复合扩增体系,方法及应用,所述复合扩增体系包含13个基因座,具体如下:DYF387S1,DYF399S1,DYF403S1a/b,DYF404S1,DYS449,DYS518,DYS526b,DYS547,DYS570,DYS576,DYS612,DYS626,DYS627;其中扩增引物对序列如SEQ ID NO... 黄代新,张文琼,肖超,... 被引量: 0发表...
改写后如下: void NaveStrMatch (SeqString T, SeqString P) { int i,j,k; int m=P.lenth;//模式串长度 int n=T.length;//目标串长度 for (i=0; i *4.10 [答案]利用4.9的结果写一算法void StrReplaceAll(char *T, char *P, char *S),将T中出现的所有与P相等的不重叠子串替换为S,这里S和P...
void StrInsert(char *S, char *T, int i) { //将串T插入到串S的第i个位置上 char *Temp; Temp=(char *)malloc(sizeof(char[Maxsize]));// 设置一个临时串 if(i<=strlen(S)) { strcpy(Temp,&S[i]);//将第i位起以后的字符拷贝到临时串中 strcpy(&S[i], T);//将串T拷贝到串S的第...
tree = DIR+clusterID+".raxml.tre"raw_tree ="RAxML_bestTree."+cleaned model ="PROTCATWAG"ifseqtype =="aa"else"GTRCAT"ifnotos.path.exists(tree)andnotos.path.exists(raw_tree):# raxml crashes if input file starts with .infasta = cleanedifDIR =="./"elseDIR+cleaned ...
The invention provides an isolated and purified DNA set forth as SEQ ID NO:15 in the Sequence Listing and an antisense oligonucleotide complementary to the DNA. The DNA represents the splicing enhancer sequence (SES) in exon 45 of human dystrophin gene, and serves as a template in preparation...