然后起码是可以自定义捕捉到验证数据异常ValidationException 时候的返回数据格式了,还有其他的异常也是可以直接在Handler.php的render方法中添加。 补充一下Handler的异常处理的控制器基类:目录为vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Exception/Handler.php 中的report和render方法 public function report(Exception...
'promotions_detail' => json_encode([ 'type' => $data['discount_type'], 'point' => $data['discount'] ]), 'time_limit' => $data['deadline'], 'extend' => json_encode($data), 'status' => 1 ]; $res = Coupon::create($create); ...
qingshui 未填写
在Laravel中遇到“array to string conversion”错误,通常意味着你尝试将一个数组当作字符串来处理,但PHP的类型系统不允许这样做,因此抛出了这个错误。下面我将按照你的提示逐一解答: 1. 解释Laravel中“array to string conversion”错误的含义 “array to string conversion”错误发生在PHP(包括Laravel框架)尝试将一个...
// Array to string conversion in Laravel Laravel 4 2,247 Level 3 luarsab OP Posted 2 years agoHello, i got an error named array to string conversion.how i got it ? ---> i have created custom request php artisan make:request somenameRequest, then i have a form, from where im ge...
laravel获取的数据转换为数组 当构建 JSON API 时,您可能常常需要把模型和关联对象转换成数组或JSON。所以Eloquent里已经包含了这些方法。要把模型和已载入的关联对象转成数组,可以使用 toArray方法: $user = User::with('roles')->first(); return $user->toArray();...
When i was working on my Laravel angularjs application, i require to make array from comma separated string, I was not expert in angularjs so i was thingking how is it possible ?, But Finally i was found solution using custom angularjs Filter. ...
convert string into array in php. step by step explain how to convert string value into array in php. I would like to share with you php convert string to array by comma. you'll learn php convert string to array with delimiter. follow bellow step for how to create array from string ...
Laravel Version: 5.4.6 PHP Version: 7.1.2 Description: The validation rule for an array allows for an empty string which seems weird to me, see the following example: Steps To Reproduce: $ php artisan tinker >>> (\Validator::make( ['fiel...