->get('name', 'dob, ‘license_no’, 'address'); return response()->json(array('result' => $search)); } } The problem I'm encountering is that some of the columns are returning the value of NULL. How can I convert NULL to empty string. Also, the value of 'NULL' is being di...
In this short tutorial we will cover an how to convert string into array in php. step by step explain how to convert string value into array in php. I would like to share with you php convert string to array by comma. you'll learn php convert string to array with delimiter. follow b...
separator: Required. Specifies where to break the string. If this is an empty string,explode()will returnfalse. string: Required. The string to split. limit: Optional. Specifies the maximum number of array elements to return. If limit is set, the returned array will contain a maximum of li...
When i was working on my Laravel angularjs application, i require to make array from comma separated string, I was not expert in angularjs so i was thingking how is it possible ?, But Finally i was found solution using custom angularjs Filter. So, In this example, I will give you ful...
Laravel doesn't have any helper for that so you'll have to write that logic on your own 0 Level 1 ludo1960 OP Posted 6 years ago found this little beauty: function array_keys_multi(array $array) { $keys = array(); foreach ($array as $key => $value) { $keys[] = $key; ...
Slugify also provides a service provider to integrate into Laravel (versions 4.1 and later).In your Laravel project's app/config/app.php file, add the service provider into the "providers" array:'providers' => array( "Cocur\Slugify\Bridge\Laravel\SlugifyServiceProvider", )...
Transforming strings into lists in Python made simple! Discover efficient methods and techniques to convert your strings into lists effortlessly.
Others ways to do the type conversion In PHP, you can use the intval() function or cast your variable with (int) : $myVar = "13"; var_dump($myVar); // string '13' (length=2) $myVar= intval($myVar); var_dump($myVar); // int 13 ...
If you wish to retrieve an array list with all of the requests that the page triggered you can do so: $requests=Browsershot::url('https://example.com') ->triggeredRequests();foreach($requestsas$request) {$url=$request['url'];//https://example.com/} ...
console.log("Comma-separated string:", commaSeparatedString); Conclusion These three methods offer different approaches to converting an array to a comma-separated string in JavaScript. Choose the one that suits your coding style and the specific requirements of your project. ...