在Laravel中遇到“array to string conversion”错误,通常意味着你尝试将一个数组当作字符串来处理,但PHP的类型系统不允许这样做,因此抛出了这个错误。下面我将按照你的提示逐一解答: 1. 解释Laravel中“array to string conversion”错误的含义 “array to string conversion”错误发生在PHP(包括Laravel框架)尝试将一个...
绝地无双 你贴出来的这一块代码看起来好像没问题,报的是哪一行错误,data数据确保有没有错误,在确保这些没有错误的情况下还有一种写法:$create['title'] = $data['title'];$create['describes'] = $data['introduce'];$res = Coupon::create($create);或者写成$res = Coupon::insert($create); 0 0 ...
'promotions_detail' => json_encode([ 'type' => $data['discount_type'], 'point' => $data['discount'] ]), 'time_limit' => $data['deadline'], 'extend' => json_encode($data), 'status' => 1 ]; $res = Coupon::create($create); ...
qingshui 未填写
dacatadmin 框架,form 表单使用 tree 字段,新增提交时候报错:Array to string conversion {“exception”:”[object] (ErrorException (code: 0): Array to string conversion form 表单代码如下: 尝试过只保留 tree 提交保存不行,如果屏蔽掉 tree 结构提交保存成功,可以定位是 tree 的值有问题 3. 您期望得到的...
Laravel Version: v8.11.2 PHP Version: 7.4 Database Driver & Version: MySQL, 'strict' => false, Description: When MySQL throws an exception (I can't see exactly which exception) due to the nature of the error, Laravel throws a Array to st...
In my current implementation I get a random Array to String conversion error when performing a search. The error is thrown here https://github.com/laravel/scout/blob/6.0/src/Engines/AlgoliaEngine.php#L144 with a key of must and the value is an empty array. PHP 7.211 Laravel 5.7.12 Nova...
如您在表属性中所示的示例中所示,Laravel docs属性是一个字符串,而不是一个数组