然后sell往后移, 若prices[sell] < prices[buy],则将buy指向sell当前位置(buy = sell),否则计算当前股票买卖收益,并和之前计算的收益比较,取最大的值。 1//双指针法求股票买卖最佳时机问题23intmaxProfit_doublePtr(vector<int>&prices)4{5intbuy=0,sell=0;6intmaxProfit =0;7for(;sell<prices.size();++...
121. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock 121 这个比较简单,大致思想: 1.如果sale-buy<=0,则该价格适合买入。 2.否则判断该价格卖出的价格是否最好。 代码如下: publicintmaxProfit(int[]prices){if(prices==null||prices.length==0){return0;}intres=0;intbuy=prices[0];for(inti=1;i<prices.length;i...
AC 1intmaxProfit(vector<int> &prices) {2intn=prices.size();3if(n<=1)4return0;5inti,max;6inta[n-1];//第二天的减去第一天的,表示增值7intw[n-1];8for(i=0;i<n-1;++i)9a[i]=prices[i+1]-prices[i];10w[0]=a[0];11for(i=1;i<n-1;++i){12if(w[i-1]<0)13w[i]=a[...
f[i][0] = max(f[i - 1][0], f[i - 1][2] - prices[i]) 这里用i-1天(也就是昨天)的最大收益来和i-1天花掉投资的钱之后进行比较,实际上就是说如果i-1之前盈利的话,那么i-1天花掉投资之后可能还会更多。 f[i][1] = f[i - 1][1] + prices[i] ??这块没看懂…… 哦哦,因为f[i...
You can buy and sell a stock the same day. Image Credit:anyaberkut/iStock/GettyImages It is possible to buy and sell stock in the same day; in fact, some people use this strategy to earn a living. Buying stock at the beginning of the day and selling that same stock later in the ...
classSolution:defmaxProfit(self,prices:List[int])->int:## 双指针解法left,right=0,1# left=buy, right=sellmaxP=0whileright<len(prices):## 遍历整个 listifprices[right]>prices[left]:## 在存在赚钱机会的条件下profit=prices[right]-prices[left]maxP=max(maxP,profit)else:## 对于任意一个右指...
If you were only permitted to complete at most one transaction (ie, buy one and sell one share of the stock), design an algorithm to find the maximum profit. class Solution { public: //只做一次交易 寻找最大的差值即可 int maxProfit(vector<int>& prices) { ...
Stock Tactics; Buy, Buy! Sell, Sell! but When? a New Guide Helps You Decide
In order to rate stocks as buy, sell, or hold, analysts research public financial statements, listen in on conference calls, and talk to managers and the customers of a company.