HAL_FLASH_Program(0, 0x0800F000, 0x12345678aabbccdd);HAL_FLASH_Lock();扇区擦除 EraseInitStruct....
_Lock(); } __HAL_FLASH_PREFETCH_BUFFER_ENABLE(); 方法2:STVP 命令行加密1)如下图配置后,save as lock.hex2)通过stvp界面或命令行烧写业务固件(fw.hex...方法1:代码加密FLASH_OBProgramInitTypeDef OBInit; __HAL_FLASH 智能推荐 大数据面试题——Spark面试题(三) ...
HAL_FLASHEx_OBProgram (&OBInit);HAL_FLASH_OB_Lock();HAL_FLASH_Lock();//这段代码的功能:...
However, if you use the HAL to try and perform a flash operation, it doesn’t bother checking the error flags *before* trying to perform an operation. It just tries, and reports any errors it observes at the end. So, if you have an application that occasionally makes a spurious write ...
This example guides you through the different configuration steps by mean of HAL API how to program bank1 and bank2 of the STM32G4xx internal Flash memory mounted on STM32G474E-EVAL Rev B and swap between both of them. How to configure and use the FLASH HAL API to erase and pr...