set to 'Yes') calls __io_putchar() */#else#definePUTCHAR_PROTOTYPE int fputc(int ch, FILE *f)#defineGETCHAR_PROTOTYPE int getc(FILE *f)#endif/* __GNUC__ *//** * Hacks */#defineSCANF_INIT_BUF() setvbuf(stdin, NULL, _IONBF, 0)//set input buffer to 0#definePRINTF_INIT_BUF...
printf("Please press KEY1 to apply for memory release\n"); } } } osDelay(10); }/*USER CODE END StartTestTask*/} 修改完毕后点击 小锤子 构建工程,然后点击Debug,按如下步骤配置ITM调试 全速运行之前一定要先点击SWV ITM data Console 页面中的红色圆圈 现象:...
If I don't start PuTTY or Console it doesn't work. I can disconnect the monitoring after connecting to the agent and it still works, and I can even restart the board and it instantly connects, but if I stop the agent I have to do the steps again. It's easier to do if I have ...
{/*取车成功*/printf("The car was taken successfully, now the remaining parking space is %ld\n",osSemaphoreGetCount(myCountingSem01Handle)); }else{/*取车失败*/printf("Failed to fetch the car, now the remaining parking space is %ld\n",osSemaphoreGetCount(myCountingSem01Handle)); } } }...
The Debug Console view is used for semihosting input/output and when debugging it will ask to enter strings… Example: Entering “TEST” and “123456” Open On-Chip Debugger 0.10.0+dev-01288-g7491fb4 (2020-10-27-17:36) Licensed under GNU GPL v2 ...
STM32CubeIDE+FreeRTOS计数信号量实验 STM32CubeIDE+FreeRTOS计数信号量实验 使⽤计数信号量写个模拟停车场的实验,使⽤开发板板载的两个按键,KEY1按下表⽰停车,KEY2按下表⽰取车,初始有10个停车位。新建⼯程RTOS_CountSem,配置HCLK,使⽤内部晶振,频率为180MHZ(根据板⼦设置)配置两个按键KEY1...
external loaders with OpenOCD • Updated for microprocessors: – Support for the latest release 5.0.0 of OpenSTLinux – Addition of the TCP console for semihosting output STMicroelectronics recommends that a new workspace is created for the work done with STM32CubeIDE v1.4.x or later versions...