lv_win32_init(hInstance, SW_SHOWNORMAL, 800, 480, NULL); /*Output prompt information to the console, you can also use printf() to print directly*/ LV_LOG_USER("LVGL initialization completed!"); ui_init(); /*Run the demo*/ //lv_demo_widgets(); lv_mainstart(); while(!lv_win32_...
printenv- print environment variables protect - enable or disable FLASH write protection pxe - commands to get and boot from pxe files regulator- uclass operations reset - Perform RESET of the CPU rproc - Control operation of remote processors in an SoC run - run commands in an environment va...
lv_win32_init(hInstance, SW_SHOWNORMAL, 800, 480, NULL); /*Output prompt information to the console, you can also use printf() to print directly*/ LV_LOG_USER("LVGL initialization completed!"); ui_init(); /*Run the demo*/ //lv_demo_widgets(); // lv_mainstart(); while(!lv_wi...
printenv- print environment variables protect - enable or disable FLASH write protection pxe - commands to get and boot from pxe files regulator- uclass operations reset - Perform RESET of the CPU rproc - Control operation of remote processors in an SoC run - run commands in an environment va...
按照代码追过去rt_hw_console_output函数是空的。函数前边有个weak 可能其他地方有新的实现。 ... 这个函数默认系统自带的,只要指定了是那个串口,并且使能了这个串口,使用这个函数就能输出数据,没有其他设置了 2019-1-25 08:27:15 评论 举报 李欣 提交评论 ...
命令setenv也可以用于新建命令,用法和修改环境变量一样,比如我们新建一个环境变量author,author的值为‘console=ttySTM0,11520 root=/dev/mmcblk2p2 rootwait rw’,那么就可以使用如下命令: setenv author 'console=ttySTM0,11520 root=/dev/mmcblk2p2 rootwait rw ' saveenv 上面命令设置author 的值为“console...
coninfo - print console devices and information cp - memory copy crc32 - checksum calculation date - get/set/reset date & time dcache - enable or disable data cache dfu - Device Firmware Upgrade dhcp - boot image via network using DHCP/TFTP protocol ...
Hi, I am trying to get debug messages out to GDB elf/prorgam console when debuging: I am using STM32F207IG CPU. The init code looks like: Source Code (33 lines) The messages/data are going out from CPU at baud speed 19200. When i start JLink.exe and…
emqx console即可。 至此emqx配置完毕,可以在http://通过控制台查看mqtt。 控制台账号为admin 密码为public 3、初始化wifi模块-AT指令 至此,基本条件已经配置完毕,可以开始代码部分的编写了。 详细的AT指令可以在乐鑫官网查看AT 命令集 — ESP-AT 用户指南 文档 ( ...