halted: PC: 0x08000f44 Program received signal SIGINT, Interrupt. 0x08000f92 in HAL_GetTick () at Src/Drivers/STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f4xx_hal.c:325 Kill the program being debugged? (y or n) [answered Y; input not from terminal] [Inferior 1 (Remote target) killed] The prog...
This is the message I see on debugging: Program received signal SIGINT, Interrupt. HardFault_Handler () at ..\Src\stm32f4xx_it.c:84 84 { I use STM32CubeMX V 5.1.0 and TrueSTUDIO Version: 9.3.0 (Build id: 20190212-0734). I'm uploading a photo of the steps I followed to genera...
它允许进程在运行时接收通知,例如用户按下Ctrl+C终止进程。signal函数和kill命令用于处理和发送信号。 #include <csignal> #include <iostream> void signalHandler(int signum) { std::cout << "Received signal: " << signum << std::endl; } int main() { signal(SIGINT, signalHandler); // 注册信号...
Interrupt with ctrl-C: ^C Program received signal SIGINT, Interrupt. Set Trace Enable Register all ones and continue execution: (gdb) set {int}0xE0000E00=-1 (gdb) continue To disable SWO from the gdb command prompt, interrupt with ctrl-C and type: ^C Program received signal SIGINT, ...