退出代码137通常表示一个进程因为接收到SIGKILL信号而被操作系统强行终止。在大多数操作系统中,SIGKILL信号无法被程序捕获和处理,它通常是由操作系统内核用来强制终止反应出问题的程序。 出现这种错误通常是由于系统内存不足造成的,类似于GPU的CUDA OUT OF MEMORY,Python的垃圾管理器会自动进行内存管理,把内存中不再使用的...
I see Process finished with exit code 130 (interrupted by signal 2: SIGINT) in the console. I went through eclipse JDT source and found that they use some sort of remote connection for execution of test cases. My doubt is in a way we are violating Thread.interrupted() convention by not ...
Interruption of system calls and library functions by signal handlersIf a signal handler is invoked while a system call or library function call is blocked, then either: * the call is automatically restarted after the signal handler returns; or * the call fails with the errorEINTR. Which of t...
$ VMA_SPEC=latency LD_PRELOAD=libvma.so ./epoll-test $ VMA_SELECT_POLL=-1 LD_PRELOAD=libvma.so ./epoll-test $ VMA_SELECT_POLL=-1 VMA_HANDLE_SIGINTR=1 LD_PRELOAD=libvma.so ./epoll-test Is this a bug of vma or by-design behavior?
Normally, a process terminates when it receives SIGINT. However, we change the default behavior for SIGINT by setting the sa_sigaction field of the second parameter of sigaction() to signal_handler. Therefore, the OS calls the signal_handler() function when the process receives a SIGINT signal...
("Detectedkillsignal");webServer.close(function() {console.log("Gracefulshutdown");process.exit(0);});setTimeout(function () {console.log("Waitedfor" + configuration.max_seconds_to_wait_on_kill + "seconds.Forcekill."); process.exit(0); }, configuration.max_seconds_to_wait_on_kill *...