SIGINT(Signal Interrupt)是一个POSIX信号,通常用于中断前台进程。当用户按下Ctrl+C组合键时,操作系统会向当前的前台进程发送SIGINT信号。这个信号的主要作用是提供一种用户友好的方式来中断正在运行的程序,允许用户终止不再需要或行为异常的进程。 2. 列举可能导致程序接收到SIGINT信号的常见情况 用户操作:用户在终端中...
Program received signal SIGINT, Interrupt.WDOG_IRQHandler () at D:/02_BDC_32bit/32bit_Workspace/repo/firmware/cmsis-device-files/NXP/SKEAZ1284/Source/ARM\startup_SKEAZ1284.s:200200 b . Kindly support us and do let me know if any further information is required to resolve th...
Hi, hard to say, it could be wrong init of peripheral, interrupt and/or rtos if used. Try to step the code to see where it goes away. Or share
2013-04-21 19:49 −① SIGINT 终止进程 中断进程 程序终止(interrupt)信号, 在用户键入INTR字符(通常是Ctrl-C)时发出。 ② SIGQUIT 建立COR... 浪里飞 0 9770 Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 2014-05-28 16:08 −GDB调试的时候出现了: Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentati...
附: signal信号的可能类型 define SIGHUP 1 /* hangup */ SIGHUP是Unix系统管理员很常用的一个信号。许多后台服务进程在接受到该信号后将会重新读取它们的配置文件。然而,该信号的实际功能是通知进程它的控制终端被断开。缺省行为是终止进程。 define SIGINT 2 /* interrupt */ ...
[INFO ] client.gc: garbage collecting allocation: alloc_id=ceb8becf-9023-2ed0-9994-043480092659 reason="forced collection" ==> Caught signal: interrupt 2019-05-08T21:23:08.581Z [INFO ] agent: requesting shutdown 2019-05-08T21:23:08.581Z [INFO ] client: shutting down ==> Loaded ...