void CAN_Filter_Config(){ CAN_FilterTypeDef sFilterConfig; sFilterConfig.FilterBank = 0; //筛选器编号, CAN1是0-13, CAN2是14-27 sFilterConfig.FilterMode = CAN_FILTERMODE_IDMASK; //采用掩码模式 sFilterConfig.FilterScale = CAN_FILTERSCALE_32BIT; //设置筛选器的尺度, 采用32位 sFilterConf...
Thus each received message has its associated filter match index. The Filter Match index can be used in two ways: Compare the Filter Match index with a list of expected values. Use the Filter Match Index as an index on an array to access the data destination location. For nonmasked filter...
typedefstruct{uint32_tFilterIdHigh;/*CAN_FxR1 寄存器的高 16 位 */uint32_tFilterIdLow;/*CAN_...
CAN是Controller Area Network的缩写(以下称为CAN),是ISO国际标准化的串行通信协议。在当前的汽车产业...
1.2 代码设置can的滤波器和中断 二、代码详解 2.1 CAN信息发送函数 2.2 CAN信息接收函数 2.3 main()函数 2.4 CAN接收回调函数 三、 总结 硬件条件:带有CAN总线接口的STM32开发板/工控板。 实现功能: stm32轮询发送can信息(数据帧、标准帧); stm32在中断回调中接收刚刚自己发出的can信息。
位FMI[15:8 ]: 过滤器匹配序号 (Filter match index)
4.传统的filter,mask模式,即mask某位为1,则需要匹配对应的filter为;mask某位为0,则不用关心 5....
CAN 是 Controller Area Network 的缩写(以下称为 CAN),是 ISO 国际标准化的串行通信协议。在北美和...
FilterMatchIndex; } #ifdef CAN2 else if (hcan->Instance == CAN2) { pmsg->hdr_index = rxheader.FilterMatchIndex; } #endif return RT_EOK; } static const struct rt_can_ops _can_ops = { _can_config, _can_control, _can_sendmsg, _can_recvmsg, }; static ...
#define CANARD_STM32_CAN_RDTR_FM_SHIFT (8U) // Bits 15-8: Filter Match Index #define CANARD_STM32_CAN_RDTR_FM_MASK (0xFFU << CANARD_STM32_CAN_RDTR_FM_SHIFT) #define CANARD_STM32_CAN_RDTR_TIME_SHIFT (16U) // Bits 31:16: Message Time Stamp #define CANARD_STM32_CAN_RDTR...