Once owned by Google,SketchUp's 3D Warehouseis the go-to place for all your 3D model needs. Laying claim to being one of the largest 3D model online depositories, with over 4 million free downloads available, this site is easy to navigate using the search feature. To better navigate throu...
Clari3D software are compatible with3D Connection Space Mouses®in order to make 3D navigation much easier than before. You can send a VIZ file to your customers; they are able to open it with Clari3D Lite that is not charged. The VIZ file format is one of the most compact in the ...
Using configuration file Using el::Configurations class Using inline configurationUsing Configuration FileConfiguration can be done by file that is loaded at runtime by Configurations class. This file has following format;* LEVEL: CONFIGURATION NAME = "VALUE" ## Comment ANOTHER CONFIG NAME = "VALUE...
QI want to delete a file using CFile::Remove (or something else), but I want to send it to the Recycle Bin instead of permanently deleting it so my user can choose to restore it later. Is there any straightforward way to achieve this? If not, I'd like to copy my file to the Rec...
Using Configuration FileConfiguration can be done by file that is loaded at runtime by Configurations class. This file has following format;* LEVEL: CONFIGURATION NAME = "VALUE" ## Comment ANOTHER CONFIG NAME = "VALUE" Level name starts with a star (*) and ends with colon (:). It is ...
#include "easylogging++.h" _INITIALIZE_EASYLOGGINGPP int main(int argc, const char** argv) { // Load configuration from file el::Configurations conf("my-conf.conf"); // Reconfigure single logger el::Loggers::reconfigureLogger("default", conf); // Actually reconfigure all loggers instead ...