nfigure - Per-library struct-tag based configuration from command lines (Posix & Go-style); environment, JSON, YAML onion - Layer based configuration for Go, Supports JSON, TOML, YAML, properties, etcd, env, and encryption using PGP. piper - Viper wrapper with config inheritance and key gen...
Upgrade RhinoResurf:USD195 per license key buy via Paypal Mesh_to_NURBSis a stand-alone application that converts mesh model to NURB surface. The features include: 1. import .stl file;2. select mesh and fit surface ; 3. analyze deviation between surface and mesh; 4. extend surface; 5. ...
Browser123dx, 3ds, c4d, mb, obj, svg, STL.3/5FreeBeginner #1)Cedreo Best forHome designers, interior designers, architects, and remodelers. Price:Cedreo can be used for free for a single project. The personal plan with more features will cost $49/per project, the Pro plan will cost ...
you can modify existing STL files or create an entirely new 3D model in STL format. You can find an advanced set of 3D modeling tools in this software that enables you to edit STL models as per your requirements. These tools range from transformation tools to sculpting tools. Plus,...
Sunshine - Remote game stream host for Moonlight with support up to 120 frames per second and 4K resolution. (Source Code) GPL-3.0 C++/deb/Docker Genealogy ^ back to top ^ Genealogy software used to record, organize, and publish genealogical data. - Genea is a privacy by design...
The API is SLOW… it takes about 4 minutes to get the complete data download per topic. NOTE: An OpenAI API key is required,and to get one you have to input a credit card. However, it is pretty affordable at this scale. So far on this entire project with all the test calls and ...
It contains some additional tools which you can use as per your requirements such as Animate, Measurements, Vibrate, Surface Tool, Create Gaussian Input File, etc.Conclusion:It is a nice portable PDB to PDF converter which requires no installation. You can directly use it on the go from any...
Sadly, if your eBook or Video file is faulty or a fault occurs during the eBook or Video being made available to you, i.e. during download then you should contact Customer Relations Team within 14 days of purchase oncustomercare@packt.comwho will be able to resolve this issue for you. ...
$fileName = $file.Name [xml]$xml = Get-Content -Path $fileFullName # that's the part where you specify what info you need from the XML # my XMLs have multiple Document nodes per file, that's why I need a loop foreach($document in $xml.PrintJob.Documents.Document) { $documentId...
As soon as you open an OBJ file, you can view the following information: Size as per X, Y and Z axis, number of vertices, and number of triangles.Being a 3D viewer software, it features various viewing options to get Front, Back, Top, Bottom, Left, and Right views of an OBJ ...