STL gives you faceted data. This is not geometry. You will need to convert STL to geometry if you want to use Pull geometry face. You can convert faceted data to solid in SpaceClaim. There are different ways to convert stl to solid. The first one is using Right Click on the body in...
Use multi-threading(使用多线程):在导入大型 CATIA V5、Pro/ENGINEER、SolidWorks 或 Solid Edge 组件时,使用多线程转换以提高性能。 Use lightweight assemblies for SpaceClaim documents(对 SpaceClaim 文档使用轻量化组件):如果打开带有外部元件的 SpaceClaim 文档,外部元件将以轻量化形式打开。 Use lightweight asse...
STL(.stl) VRML(.wrl) OBJ(.obj) From CAD Exchanger toSpaceClaim ACIS(.sat, .sab) 3D PDF(.pdf) DXF(.dxf) IGES(.igs, .iges) JT(.jt) Parasolid(.x_t, .x_b) Rhino(.3dm) STEP(.stp, .step) STL(.stl) OBJ(.obj) Connect SpaceClaim with:...
(1)C3D Modeler构建几何模型,生成模型的平面投影,执行三角剖分,计算模型的惯性特征,并确定模型元素之间是否发生碰撞; ODA的C3D Modeler通过开放设计联盟的ODA标准“OdDb3DSolid”API实现高级3D建模操作; (2)C3D解算器在几何模型的元素之间建立连接,并考虑正在编辑的模型的几何约束; (3)C3D B-Shaper将多边形模型转...
3 - Converting Solids to Sheet Metal 4 - Hinges, Tabs, and Double Walls 5 - Repairing Sheet Metal PartsReverse Engineering 1 - Selection Tips & Techniques for STL/Mesh 2 - Orient a Scan/Mesh/STL to world origin 3 - Build a Solid by Sketching Over a Scan STL 4 - Build a Solid by...
mesh nodes within a specified tolerance, making the mesh conformal across bodies, parts, and assemblies. Node merge can be used in conjunction with Node Move to remove large gaps in meshes without degrading mesh quality significantly. Node Merge can be performed on solid, sheet, and line bodies...
How to connect SpaceClaim with FreeCAD? From SpaceClaim to CAD Exchanger ACIS (.sat, .sab) 3D PDF (.pdf) DWG (.dwg) DXF (.dxf) CATIA V5 (.CATPart, .CATProduct) IGES (.igs, .iges) JT (.jt) Parasolid (.x_t, .x_b) Rhino (.3dm) STEP (.stp, .step) STL (.stl) VRML (....
13、 2.单击建立边的点 3.双击结束边的创建,建立角Double-click to end the edge and create a corner 4.继续建立边和角,在起点上单击,结束创建形状 5.点击escape键,移除现有的草图,点击完成,创建面 Note: 可以通过移动角点,或者增加角点等方式来编辑草图 1234 5 STL STL 模型转成几何模型模型转成几何模型...
TODAY'S ANSWER: SPACECLAIM. SpaceClaim Engineer brings 3D solid modeling to the desktops of engineers and analysts who work in a 3D world but don't want to become experts in traditional feature-based CAD systems. SpaceClaim helps engineers interact with CAD geometry in exciting new ways. Without...
Whether reverse engineering a CAD-output STL or something from a 3D scanner, these new tools make the process more efficient. There are also new features for fitting both planes and cylinders to reference geometry, as well as tools to split the mesh. Both of these will be useful when there...