to reduce the mid to late game micromanagement burden and provide quality of life improvements, including generally making the prebuilding of planets more viable, making planetary automation reliable enough to be trusted in the mid to late game, and making dealing with unemployment and pops easier...
- The resettlement tooltip (found by hovering over unemployment in the planet view) now provides far greater insights into how the system works, including showing the reasons pops cannot automatically resettle or the planet they are most likely to resettle to. - 迁移文本(通过在星球界面将鼠标悬停...
- The resettlement tooltip (found by hovering over unemployment in the planet view) now provides far greater insights into how the system works, including showing the reasons pops cannot automatically resettle or the planet they are most likely to resettle to. - 迁移文本(通过在星球界面将鼠标悬停...
Crime Wave on [Root.GetName] crime.6 Smuggler Activity Reported on [Root.GetName] crime.5 Gangs Clash on [Root.GetName] crime.4 Substance Abuse Increases on [Root.GetName] crime.3 Bribed Officials on [Root.GetName] crime.2 Rising Unemployment on [Root.GetName] crime.1 Mass ...
Immigration and Emigration:Each Planet has an Immigration Pull and Emigration Push value generated by factors such as Housing, Stability, Unemployment and so on. By subtracting Emigration from Immigration, the overall Migration state of the planet is calculated. A planet with more Emigration than Immi...
* Refactored unemployment benefits from living standards.* 根据生活标准重设了失业人口的补助金。* Refactored Living Standards to use pop modifiers on the living standards script, instead of being checked for each pop category.* 重构了生活标准,现在可以通过人口修正来设定生活标准脚本,而不是检查每个人口...
High crime, deviancy, or unemployment can create planet modifiers that add subversive jobs. Pops will abandon subversive jobs if Ruler, Specialist, or Soldier jobs become available. All subversive jobs have negative output. JobOutputRequirementsDescription Criminal −5 Trade value +5 Criminal ...
(data.should_apply_unemployment_penalties_logic, '应用惩罚的条件') ..p.data_block(data.zhcn_unemployment_penalties, '失业惩罚') ..p.data_block(data.unemployment_resources_logic, '失业资源') ..p.data_block(data.triggered_planet_modifier_logic, '额外星球修正') ..p.data_block(data.resources_...
* Refactored unemployment benefits from living standards. * 根据生活标准重设了失业人口的补助金。 * Refactored Living Standards to use pop modifiers on the living standards script, instead of being checked for each pop category. * 重构了生活标准,现在可以通过人口修正来设定生活标准脚本,而不是检查每个...
* Added unemployment for pops without suitable jobs, which lowers planetary stability if their living standards are low为没有合适职位的人口增加失业状态。如果失业人口的生活水准维持在较低水平的话则将降低星球稳定度。* Added planetary housing, usage of which depends on pop's social strata (rulers and...