all_technology_research_speed = 0.50#帝国科研速度+50%}}好,到此我们保存我们的mod文件,效果应该如下图7所示。之后我们需要打开一次stellaris来验证是否真正的在游戏里面被添加了这个“agenda_test”议程。启动游戏,加载我们的“test” MOD!之后随意开一局是寡头政体的国家当你发现你的议程是像图8那样显示的时候,...
瞬间完成当前科技 finish_research 将当前所有科研槽的研发项目与特殊项目(如果存在)的进度更改为100%,于第二天结束研究 瞬间完成特殊项目 finish_special_projects 瞬间完成状态日志中所有特殊项目,事件链项目容易产生bug。 瞬间建造 instant_build 开关命令瞬间建造(包括升级太空港、添加太空港插槽模块),且建造费用为...
瞬间完成当前科技 finish_research 将当前所有科研槽的研发项目与特殊项目(如果存在)的进度更改为100%,于第二天结束研究 瞬间完成特殊项目 finish_special_projects 瞬间完成状态日志中所有特殊项目,事件链项目容易产生bug。 瞬间建造 instant_build 开关命令瞬间建造(包括升级太空港、添加太空港插槽模块),且建造费用为...
tier = 2category = { psionics }is_rare = yesweight = @tier2weight4weight_modifier = {modifier = {factor = 0.05NOT = {research_leader = {area = societyhas_trait = "leader_trait_expertise_psionics"}has_ethic = "ethic_spiritualist"has_ethic = "ethic_fanatic_spiritualist"}}modifier = {...
NOT = { has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_materialist } #ethic_materialist极端唯物主义思潮 } } } modifier = { all_technology_research_speed = 0.50 #帝国科研速度+50% } } 图9 当做好这些修改再进入游戏里面,你就会发现如果不选择唯物或者极端唯物,那么永远刷不出来这个议程——而带上了唯物之后,就会刷的...
This command will credit you with the specified amount of society research points. Examples, Generator & More society <Amount> Copy Command Copy Full run This command will run a list of commands in .txt file that is within the root game directory. Examples, Generator & More run <File ...
Research buildings (except Storm Repulsion Center) Bureaucratic and temple buildings (except fallen empire buildings) Pop assembly buildings Military buildings (except Planetary Shield Generator) Resort Worlds technology Tomb World unless either: Memorialist civic Survivor trait Tomb World Preference Radiotroph...
o Research is always top tier and random should stay random. o 研究永远都是最好的属性,随机也永远应该是随机的。 • The Defragmentor • 碎片整理程序 o Allows you to convert unity into energy. The passive not having any benefit to a spiritualist empire does feel kinda bad. Might look in...
Stellaris Technology ID ListA searchable list of all technology codes from Stellaris.Enter the name of a technology to filter the entries in the table. Use the "Table View" and "Card View" buttons to change the way the codes are displayed.research_technology Command Help research_technology ...
Assigned sector: +5% Research from jobs Assigned science ship: +15% Anomaly research speed +10% Archaeology excavation speed Assigned planet: +5% Resources from jobs −5% Pop amenities usage +10% Slave output Assigned sector: +2.5% Resources from jobs −2.5% Pop amenities usage +5% Sl...