has_trait = "leader_trait_expertise_voidcraft"}}}从上面的例子,我们可以看得出,科技应该包括以下几个模块1.科技的名称,花费,等级,类别,种类等2.刷出的权重以及其修改3.修正器(国家的buff或者debuff)4.AI的使用权重以及其修改5.其他的杂项2.修改(创造)新科技同样的,将technology文件夹下的全部内容删除,保留一...
- 僵尸现在不太会寻求生产资源的工作。- Servile pops should no longer retain the trait if they become zombies.- 拥有奴性特性的人口如果成了僵尸,就不会再保留原先的特性。- Spiritualists are no longer allowed to take Byzantine Bureaucracy since they don't have Bureaucrats.- 因唯心主义帝国并没有官僚...
#custom_tooltip = TRAIT_WOMEN_WEAR_EFFECT 显示的文本,注意:将会覆盖自动生成的修正器文本 #initial = no #能否在初始界面被选择 #randomized = no #是否可以随机生成该特质 #requires_traits = {trait_psionic} 拥有哪个特质的人口可以生成带有这个特质的领袖 leader_trait = { admiral } #属于哪个范围的特质...
- Fixed species modification planetary trait list sometimes overflowing - 修复了物种修饰的行星特性列表有时会溢出的问题。 - Fixed the tooltip of Integrated Preservation tradition - 修正了合并保护传统的提示条。 - Fixed the tooltip of Open Border policies sometimes helpfully telling you that your country...
add_trait_species给物种添加特性。[物种ID] [特性名] [species id] [trait key]add_trait_species 5 intelligent ai开关命令开关AI。无ai alienfx尝试使用Alien FX改变电脑的灯光。无TODO ambient_object产生指定类型的环境对象。[type]ambient_object medium_debris_02_object ...
has_trait = "leader_trait_expertise_biology" } } } ai_weight = { # 如果有 和平主义 思潮,增加权重 modifier = { factor = 1.25 has_ethic = ethic_pacifist } # 如果有 极端和平主义 思潮,增加权重 modifier = { factor = 1.5 has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_pacifist } # 如果当前科研的社会学科学...
Trait Diversity https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1928831043 More Civics https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1647628520 Ethics and Civics Alternative https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1790861374 Expanded Stellaris Traditions https://...
add_trait_leader <Leader ID> <Trait ID> Copy Command Copy Full tweakergui instant_move This command enables and disables (toggles) the travel time it takes for ships to move. If enabled, ships will instantly teleport to whether they are directed to. Examples, Generator & More tweakergui...
When investigated, the anomaly reveals a species of pre-sapient cockroaches with the Tomb World climate preference and the Adaptive trait If the Underground Vault event chain starts on Earth, the created species is human If the Ancient Relics DLC is enabled, terraforming Earth has a 50% chance ...
Scientists start with a random Expertise trait Expertise traits increase job research output for their fields if governing a planet or sector Senior Science Director −2% Researcher upkeep Materialist Aristocratic Elite Exalted Priesthood Merchant Guilds Shared Burdens Warrior Culture This society has de...