这意味着你通过了“阅读测试”! 你现在拥有阅读mod描述的能力,这会让你在评论之前三思而后行——比大多数steam用户强多了,他们的评论通常是“更新?”,“为什么mod不能用了”,“好了,谢谢再见”等等。 还有一些事情你也可以做: - 如果mod要求你使用其他mod才能正常运行,请按照要求操作,除非你知道如何运作。 - ...
icon_frame = 2 #建造时的图标 图标文件一般在/Stellaris/gfx里,大部分是.dds格式,可以用PS编辑的 #另,各种肖像文件也在里面,都是.dds+.mesh的格式,大触们快去做头像mod啊!! base_buildtime = 60 #建造时间 can_have_federation_design = no #不可获得盟友的设计 enable_default_design = no#yes的话,...
A: It depends on the makeup of the galaxy, and the empires within it. Here's a general breakdown of how AI empires will treat it: Pacifists will never pick it. Awakened empires and the Khan will almost always use it. Militarists and Authoritarians are attracted to it. Civics like Natio...
Stellaris Dev Diary #182 : The Perils of Scripting and How to Avoid Them对于玩家没什么用送TA礼物 1楼2020-09-04 13:39回复 Sorel 虫群之心 12 现在,我们将在接下来的几周和几个月内展示很多令人兴奋的内容。但是在今天,受上一次开发日志之后提出的一些问题的启发,我将为mod制作者们写一篇脚本...
Again, let me assure you that this is just a small package of severe/fast to fix things that I want to get in your hands sooner rather than later. Larger, more comprehensive support will continue in the coming weeks. We know how massive the changes wrought in 2.0 are and your feedback...
《群星stellaris》在宇宙背景下,自己建造一艘喜欢的战舰去战斗,最爽莫过于此,小编带来自定义战舰的方法,一起看一下吧。 游戏内自己附带了一个改船的说明文件,就在Stellaris/common下 HOW_TO_MAKE_NEW_SHIPS 不过说的比较粗糙,有些细节和注意点没讲清楚 ...
尝试翻译下各大思潮的..手残党求轻喷先是我个人最爱的和平小姐姐pacifist modole failing. your breathing is so loud, it's driving me insane. I
Stellaris ..Hello everyone and welcome to another Stellaris dev diary. Today we'll be talking about some cha
How to build a Dyson Sphere?In order to build a Dyson Sphere, you'll first have to research 7 rare technologies (They are about as rare as the technologies in the ringworld restoration mod). These technologies are :Hyperscale Engineering TheoryEngineering technology, requires living metal. Incre...
我想起了我给1.2.1写的一个小小的军备竞赛mod,非常成功的把普通AI变成了sb(锅还是在资源分配,如果把困难疯狂的资源加成调高估计会有意思)1.3我应该还会写个新的军备竞赛mod,建议配合疯狂难度+环世界开局+失落帝国建筑等mod一起实用 12楼2016-10-23 12:59 回复 ...