OpenXR: Failed to get swapchain [ XR_ERROR_RUNTIME_FAILURE ] This is caused by the number of samples on the swapchain that is created being hardcoded to 3. SteamVR reports that only 1 sample is supported: OpenXR: Found supported view configuration view - width: 8192 - height: 8192 - ...
The SteamVR runtime itself does not currently support any OpenXR passthrough features, but provides access to the camera video feeds and projection data through the proprietary OpenVR interface. This layer acts as a compositor in-between the application and runtime, retrieves the passthrough data ...
Monado, the free and open source OpenXR runtime for Linux has reached amassive milestoneas it's now officially conformant. This announcement from Collabora came along with the release of Monado 21.0.0. As a quick refresher: Monado aims to jump-start development of an open source XR ecosystem ...
Virtual Desktop's New OpenXR Runtime Bypasses SteamVR To Boost Performance David Heaney 7 November 2023 Share to Reddit Share to Twitter Share to Facebook
I keep using this hackbecause the OpenXR implementation inside Unity is not stable at all, so I wait for Valve and Unity to finalize their OpenXR efforts. When this will be completed (probably within 2021),OpenXR will be the official solution for using the XR Interaction Toolkit with SteamVR...
Please check that you have a valid OpenXR runtime installed. I still observe the same behavior of the scene rendering being rudimentary, the VR Preview being unavailable. As a last attempt, I started the Unreal Editor from outside the Steam environment: ./Engine/Binaries/Linux/UnrealEditor '...
Apparently SteamVR-XRPlugin beta doesn't work at all, Or maybe i dont know how to use it, Because when I finally got everything to work I've noticed that none of my input were working, I have switched the input system twice trying to fig...
ALVR devs are of the opinion that the correct way forward for VR on Linux is OpenComposite, which is an open-source reimplementation of the SteamVR API on top of OpenXR (Monado), which allows everyone to do what Valve isn't doing: Creating a good VR runtime for Linux. Its game ...
DCS Standalone will launch with the old single-threaded executable (Which did not use OpenXR and talked to SteamVR directly), I can load into a plane and if I hold my head still everything is nice and smooth (40fps) but when I try to look around it gets laggy and jumpy impossible ...
VRApplication_OpenXR = 9, VRApplication_Max = 10, } public enum EVRFirmwareError { @@ -5972,6 +5981,9 @@ private static void _copysign(ref float sizeval, float signval) } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct VRTextureWithPose_t { public IntPtr handle; // void * public...