"external_drivers": ["D:\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\MixedRealityVRDriver","E:\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\MixedRealityVRDriver"], 如果您看到多個專案,請移除兩個專案中較舊的專案。 一旦您只有一個專案,行尾應該不會再有逗號。 例如: JSON ...
名稱: BETA: iVRy Driver for SteamVR DEMO (PSVR2 Lite Edition) 類型: 免費遊玩, 工具 開發人員: Mediator Software 發行商: Mediator Software 發行日期: 2024 年 6 月 10 日 造訪網站 X 檢視更新歷史記錄 閱讀相關新聞 尋找社群群組 嵌入 不支援繁體中文 本產品尚不支援您的目前所在地...
Kinetic DLC: Simulate full body movements using just your headset and controllers for a more immersive experience.
使用適用於 SteamVR 的 Windows Mixed Reality,以及您想要在目標電腦上安裝的任何與 SteamVR 相容的應用程式,執行相同的動作。 在目標電腦上執行 SteamVR 將可攜式儲存設備插入目標計算機之後,將 SteamVR、MixedRealityVRDriver 和其他資料夾移至目標電腦上的便利位置。
1. Install SteamVR runtime in your Steam. 2. Install VRidge SteamVR driver. SteamVR path should be filled automatically. If it's empty, manually point it to vrpathreg.exe, which is located somewhere in your SteamVR location. This can be done after connecting your mobile app to the clie...
设置中的“LastKnown”现在会跟踪提供头显的“ActualHMDDriver”(例如“lighthouse”)。 如果你本次更新版中遇到问题,请在SteamVR Bug Report论坛中发布。如果可以,请附上一份系统报告。 下面是opt into SteamVR测试版的说明: 运行Steam后,导航到你的库。
The technical hurdles have been passed to get PSVR2 working on Windows (AMD only), and now the work is being done to release a SteamVR driver. A hardware "dongle" is required. Only 100 will be manufactured this year. Available to Patreon subscribers only.https://t.co/GZ2dv1yfmfpic....
unityvrsteamvrouter-wilds UpdatedJul 23, 2024 C# Virtual Motion Tracker - バーチャルモーショントラッカー OpenVR OSC Tracker Driver for DIY users oscunityvropenvrdriversteamvr UpdatedJul 9, 2024 C++ VR mod for Minecraft. For Minecraft version 1.7.10 ...
Updating OpenVR sdk to 2.0.10 Added knee, elbow, ankle, and wrist input sources. Updated urls to sidestep log spam in Unity 2022 Fixed compiler errors in some plugin update scenarios. Fixed the interaction system not being able to create interactables at runtime Fixed reimports erasing ...
Steam VR got a error "Video Encoder Error, maybe need to update GPU Driver" (maybe not correct cuz this is translated)excute process.1. Turn on the PC2. Starting STEAM3. Turn on the Quest 24. Starting STEAM LINK app on Oculus menu5. PC's STEAM VR saying "Video Encoder ...