SteamVR Home is designed to serve as a central hub for SteamVR users, providing a customizable and interactive VR space where users can launch VR games, access their Steam Library, and interact with various features and content. SteamVR Home allows users to personalize their VR environment by ...
SteamVR, free download. SteamVR SteamVR by SteamVR is a virtual reality (VR) software platform developed by Valve Corporation and designed to …
請確定您沒有任何更新正在等候下載或安裝。 移至 [設定>更新 & 安全>性 Windows Update],然後選取 [檢查更新]。 您可能必須檢查多次,直到沒有進一步的更新可用,然後重新啟動您的計算機。 在更新 Windows 之後,SteamVR 損毀 某些適用於 SteamVR 的舊版 Windows Mixed Reality 不再與 Windows 相容。 若要確保適用...
今天,我们很高兴地推出 SteamVR 2.0! 此次更新包括 VR 的全新 UI 以及一系列新功能。
名称:Swordsman VR 类型:动作,角色扮演 开发商:Sinn Studio Inc. 发行商:Sinn Studio Inc. 发行日期:2020 年 9 月 25 日 查看更新记录阅读相关新闻查看讨论查找社区组 嵌入 奖项 此游戏需要 VR 头戴式显示器才能游玩。 相关详细信息,请参阅系统需求。
SteamVR - Error code 301 这里先直接给出我的解决方法。 解决方法:将你的桌面端的Oculus软件更新到最新版本,这个过程需要在Oculus Quest 2设备中进行,在VR设备内找到设置选项并进行更新操作。通常你会在桌面端的Oculus软件中看见这条更新提示。 Solution: Update your desktop Oculus software to the latest version...
SteamVR Unity Plugin v2.8.0 (sdk 2.0.10) Latest Upgrading from older versions Upgrading from anything from 2.6+ Delete SteamVR folder and remove all OpenVR packages in package manager. Then install. If there are errors reported after installation you may need to reimport the project. This...
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Please follow the instructions below to participate in the SteamVR beta: With Steam running, navigate to your library. Right click on "SteamVR" in your library list, then click "Properties" in the context menu. Select the "Betas" tab on the left. Select "Beta - SteamVR Beta Update" ...
Steam Dev Days VR UpdateE McNeill