当 Deck 推出时,它配备了一个噪音非常大的风扇来冷却它的 AMD Zen 2 和 RDNA 2 芯片,许多用户从第一天开始就遭到风扇音量和噪音的困扰。即使没有对系统做任何事情它也一直会运转,并且即使在相对轻量级的游戏中也总是在加速。更糟糕的是,它会发出呜呜声。或者至少一些 Steam Deck 存在这个问题。Reddit 社区发现...
steam deck..终于是到手开箱啦!第一次玩steam deck,还是挺激动的,对比win掌机明显oled屏幕显示很好,原生的steam OS系统也很舒服,接下来慢慢把玩了。话说有什么steam deck的玩机网站不,
曝Steam Deck最贵型号存在开裂问题 据外媒kotaku报道,去年11月,近700美元的半透明限量版Steam Deck OLED正式发布,它包含了普通Steam Deck OLED所有改进的优点。但它的外壳是半透明的塑料材质,这种材质存在易开裂的风险。近日在Reddit论坛中,很多玩家都分享了自己设备的不幸“遭遇”。 “我今天早上醒来时遇到了一个不幸...
Steam Deck Oled 逆天品控 只看楼主收藏回复 懒鬼杨勇 默默无闻 1 byd刚到手就发现有个坏点😅,看论坛也好多有坏点的,果断RMA 送TA礼物 来自iPhone客户端1楼2023-11-25 11:24回复 WjdaD_ 富有美誉 9 首发都这样,电子产品都避免不了 来自Android客户端2楼2023-11-25 13:52 回复 ...
Use VirtualHere to Use the Steam Deck as a Controller If Remote Play isn’t cutting it for you, there’s a clever method to turn your Steam Deck into a real PC controller, even though it wasn’t originally designed for that purpose. This process, discovered by a resourceful Reddit user,...
PC. It's as functional as it looks. This portable gadget has the processing power of a supercomputer and a touchscreen. Despite Steam Deck's many advantages, some Steam Deck users have reported issues with their device's SD card not showing up. Here is a real user story fromReddit: ...
steam deck..最近才关注steam deck。刚好发现要发售新款刷了20多分钟才下单成功一直报错3到5个工作日到货狠狠期待已打包不知道周末会不会配送到了
Update: it's been a day or two since I installed Windows 10 on my internal 64 GB drive, and it's been perfect. After doing all the normal tinkering, it's been running flawlessly, so anyone contemplating doing it on their 64 GB deck, I say go for it! - from Reddit The user ...
While Remote Play is intended to stream a bit differently, such as from your main PC and onto your Steam Deck, it's also a way to use the Deck as a controller for your PC. This is the simplest of the two methods to set this up, and will probably work best for most users. ...