G胖确认玩家可以自由..昨日(7月16日)V社公布了他们最新的游戏掌上PC——Steam Deck。这款便携式掌机使用了基于Linux的Steam OS,同时能够运行大多数Windows应用程序,包括除了Steam以外的其它
Update: it's been a day or two since I installed Windows 10 on my internal 64 GB drive, and it's been perfect. After doing all the normal tinkering, it's been running flawlessly, so anyone contemplating doing it on their 64 GB deck, I say go for it! - from Reddit The user ...
steam deck..终于是到手开箱啦!第一次玩steam deck,还是挺激动的,对比win掌机明显oled屏幕显示很好,原生的steam OS系统也很舒服,接下来慢慢把玩了。话说有什么steam deck的玩机网站不,
Steam Deck支持安装Win11:新版固件支持fTPM 近期发售的 Steam Deck 虽然预装的是基于 Linux 的 Steam OS 系统,但是 Valve 一直打算让这款游戏掌机支持 Windows 系统。现在该公司消除安装 Windows 11 的一个主要障碍,将对 Windows 的支持又向前推进了一步。在 Steam Deck 最新的操作系统测试版补丁说明中,最值得注意...
Ref: https://www.reddit.com/r/WindowsOnDeck/comments/yucirk/heres_how_to_restore_steamos_boot_entry_after/ 恢复rEFInd 为第一启动项 按照教程安装完 rEFInd 后可能会发现,每次系统启动都会直接进入 Windows,这是因为好像 SteamOS 下 efibootmgr 修改 UEFI 固件中的 boot order 不成功,建议在 Windows 上下...
Share on X (opens in a new window) Share on Reddit (opens in a new window) Share on Hacker News (opens in a new window) Share on Flipboard (opens in a new window) Valve'sSteam Deckhas finally started shipping to those who pre-ordered the machine early. It will take a long time ...
玩家返修SteamD..SteamDeck已经上市了一段时间,不少玩家已经拿到了自己的游戏机。而最近Reddit上一名用户u/throwaway19712654876发帖表示,自己将Steam Deck在返厂维修后再被V社寄
转载reddit上老..双十一买了个 Steamdeck OLED 512G版本,到手玩了一晚上,眼睛极其不舒服,甚至有些刺痛,以为是太累了没在意。第二天一查,元凶竟然是OLED屏幕的屏闪问题,当时郁闷极了,为了OLED屏幕
There’s a good introduction to how to do this from a Microsoft Windows installationavailable on Reddit, and there’s also aguide on instructables. As a bonus, here are a couple of video guides: Considering the SPI Flash Chip in the Steam Deck is 1.8v, you may want to watch this to ...