As seen on Reddit, this is exactly what this setup could look like. A bluetooth keyboard made for holding a tablet like an iPad can prove to be the ideal kind of keyboard to hold the Steam Deck in position, as long as you have some extra plastic support attached on the Deck. This is...
曝Steam Deck最贵型号存在开裂问题 据外媒kotaku报道,去年11月,近700美元的半透明限量版Steam Deck OLED正式发布,它包含了普通Steam Deck OLED所有改进的优点。但它的外壳是半透明的塑料材质,这种材质存在易开裂的风险。近日在Reddit论坛中,很多玩家都分享了自己设备的不幸“遭遇”。 “我今天早上醒来时遇到了一个不幸...
在配备了 Delta 风扇的 Steam Deck 上,风扇启动后依然听起来会像是飞机引擎一样。 而来自 Reddit 机灵的玩家则发现,其实解决这个问题很简单。最早有人发现,只要按下 Steam Deck 背后靠近标志的地方,就可以消除噪声。随后这些玩家将 Steam Deck 拆开,并使用电工胶带加厚背壳的一个部分,从而达到了同样的效果解决问题...
要理解为什么这项分析对您这位Steam Deck OLED的玩家或未来的玩家如此重要,我们首先需要用简单易懂的语言解释一下PWM(脉冲宽度调制)或屏幕闪烁是什么意思。PWM是一种技术(软件),市场上95%的屏幕都使用它来成功调节亮度,从100%到0%。然而,您可能不知道的是,为了实现这一点,它们以眼睛无法察觉但能感受到后果的速度...
- from Reddit The user just wants to install Windows on Steam Deck and has succeeded. The case confirms that this operation is feasible. Installing Windows on Steam Deck allows you to turn Steam Deck into a laptop replacement and dual boot Windows OS and SteamOS. If you are not sure about...
用他的rog玩 生化4重制版,体验跟steamdeck几乎一模一样 但是deck是照着掌机去设计的系统,就跟switch...
It’s hard to imagine that anyone interested in portable gaming hasn’t heard of theSteam Deck, butone Redditor saysthey “didn’t know” it existed. And because of that, they decided to build their own. The 3D-printed contraption comes from Raven0606, who shared images of the completed...
我的 Steam Deck 上没有锁屏是我仍然使用它的主要原因之一。我一按电源按钮,就立即开始游戏。我不需要登录并等待 Windows 启动数十个后台任务,然后就可以进入我想玩的游戏。适当的睡眠模式 这与绕过 Windows 锁定屏幕密切相关。 ROG Ally 的一大争议点是它没有任何睡眠模式。您可以让设备进入睡眠状态,但不能保证...
At this rate, Steam Deck early adopters should have about 1,000 titles to enjoy by launch day. ByAdrianna NineFebruary 16, 2022 Share on Facebook (opens in a new window) Share on X (opens in a new window) Share on Reddit (opens in a new window) ...
Valve官方回应指, Steam Deck正常运行时排放的气体没有安全问题,但仍不建议玩家主动吸入电子设备排出的气体。 图片来源:Reddit 除了@Metapod100外,外国也有不少玩家表示喜欢Steam Deck散热口排出的味道。X(前称Twitter)上就有网友 @SirLarr表示他闻过Steam Deck的味道后发觉非常好闻。