Poly& Frame::ofaddPoly(const Poly& poly) { origPolys.push_back(poly); return origPolys.back(); } at the push_back(poly).The header where origPolys is declared:prettyprint 复制 class Frame { public: Poly& addPoly(const Poly& poly); protected: vector<Poly> origPolys; }; When...
STD::vector<bool, Allocator> &t,constunsignedint/* file_version */){// retrieve number of elementsunsignedintcount; ar >> BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(count); t.clear();while(count-- >0){booli; ar >> boost::serialization::make_nvp("item", i); t.push_back(i); } } 开发者ID:Albermg7...
The first test that is performed is to fill the data structures by adding elements to the back of the container (usingpush_back). Two variations of vector are used,vector_prebeing a std::vector using vector::reserve at the beginning, resulting in only one allocation of memory. Lets see t...
此外small_vector对外暴露API接口,例如push_back、reserve、resize等。 small_vector_base :没有对外提供任何函数接口,类内做的就是配合boost::mpl元编程库在编译期解析模板参数,同时生成boost::totally_ordered1供small_vector继承,精简operator代码。 IntegralSizePolicyBase:负责size/extern/heapifiedCapacity相关的操作。
我尝试过使用其他STL函数(例如尝试以几种独特的方式使用std::for_each ),但我的所有尝试都没有成功。 int main(void) { int chars = 0; std::vector<std::string> str; str.push_back("Vector"); str.push_back("of"); s 浏览4提问于2013-07-24得票数 4 回答已采纳...
template<classT>classVector{private:unsigned int size=0;unsigned int capacity=10;T*array=newT[10];public:voidpush_back(Tconst&item){if(size>=capacity){reserve(capacity*2);}array[size]=item;++size;}voidreserve(unsigned int newCapacity){if(size>capacity){T*consttemp=newT[newCapacity];std::...
It first populates the vector scores with integers from 1 to 5 using the push_back() function. Output: 1 2 3 Output of begin() and end(): 1 2 3 4 5 Output of rbegin() and rend(): 5 4 3 2 1 Accessing C++ Vector Elements by using Access Functions Vector elements can...
small_vector基本兼容std::vector的接口。 small_vector<int,2> vec; vec.push_back(0);// Stored in-place on stackvec.push_back(1);// Still on the stackvec.push_back(2);// Switches to heap buffer. small_vector<int,2> vec指定可以内联在对象中2个数据: ...
vector. The function will: * Create a new vector called diff. * Copy all items from v1 that are NOT in intersection vector then stores it into diff vec. - It does the copy part with std::set_difference() and it does the storing info part with std::back_inserter().https://en....
#include<iostream>#include<vector>usingnamespacestd;intmain(intargc,char**argv){ vector<bool> flags; flags.push_back(true); flags.push_back(false); flags.push_back(false); flags.push_back(true); flags.flip();// false true true falsecout <<"flags value:";for(inti=0; i < flags.siz...