C++中的thread对象通常来说表达了执行的线程(thread of execution),这是一个OS或者平台的概念。当thread::join()函数被调用后,调用它的线程会被block,直到线程的执行被完成。基本上,这是一种可以用来知道一个线程已结束的机制。当thread::join()返回时,OS的执行的线程已经完成,C++线程对象可以被...
由std::thread默认构造的std::thread对象,也就是没有指定线程函数的std::thread对象是不可join的; 该std::thread对象被std::move操作 该std::thread对象已经执行过std::thread::join()方法或者std::thread::detach()方法,此时std::thread对象是不可join的; 4 使用std::thread::join()/std::thread::detach...
void fcn();你的返回值是 void,建议使用 std::thread,原因是 std::thread 即可以 join() 也可以...
and figured out that its likely because std::thread destructor is being invoked while the thread is still joinable at some point of the application execution (thanks to G. M. on stackoverflow.com). I was unable to reproduce this crash in my app on my devices and emulators, but at least...
Our DBs use postgis, and today's crash JOINs to the table with geometry columns, but does not use them at all. But the 2019 doesn't even include the geometry table. I'm not sure if these are even the same crash, but if they are, I think it's maybe an JIT issue and not post...
比如,std::thread可以获取到原生的native handle,以此可以用操作系统作更多控制,比如在linux可以要求某...
没有可比性,与std::async相比的是线程池,std::thread是单独的线程。“网上有人说 thread 创建和销毁...