Statistical properties of Weibull estimators. J Mater Sci 1991, 26: 6741-6752.Khalili A, Kromp K. Statistical properties of Weibull estimators. Journal of Materials Science 1991;26:6741-6752. 96A. Khalili, K. Kromp, Statistical properties of Weibull estimators, Journal of Materials Science 26 ...
Several properties of the OK-E distribution are obtained in this section, including the (reversed) residual life, skewness, kurtosis, and ordinary and incomplete moments. 6.1 Ordinary Moments Proposition 5 The rth (r=1,2,...) non-central moments of the OK-E distribution is given by μr′...
Semi-parametric models for the intensities of the traumatic failures are used supposing that these intensities depend on degradation level. Semi-parametric estimators of various reliability characteristics are proposed and asymptotic properties of the estimators are obtained. The theoretical results are ...
There are two competing nonparametric estimators of the survival distribution, S(t), available in this procedure. The first is the common Kaplan-Meier Product limit estimator. The second is the Nelson-Aalen estimator of the cumulative hazard function, H(t). Kaplan-Meier Product-Limit Estimat...
There are a lot of statistical analyses that can be performed on data sets. In MATLAB, the statistical functions are in the data analysis help topic called datafun. Statistics can be used to characterize properties of a data set. For example, consider a set of exam grades {33, 75, 77, ...
In this paper, we introduce a new form of distributions called ”Marshall-Olkin Extended Weibull distribution” MOEW. We study some of its structural properties and the shape of its hazard rate function. We provide some methods of point estimation for the unknown parameters and discuss its asympt...
The most commonly used distributions in reliability engineering are Weibull, normal, log-normal, and exponential distributions. On the other hand, in design for variability the statistical distribution is usually fitted with respect to the scattered values of the system factors or responses (i.e., ...
Confidence interval estimation for the difference of censored zero-inflated gamma distributions Article Open access 27 November 2024 Distributional properties of the entropy transformed Weibull distribution and applications to various scientific fields Article Open access 30 December 2024 Introduction...
(2012) consider maximum likelihood estimation for continuous distributions, in particular exponential and Weibull distributions, showing that δ-records-based estimators outperform those based only on records. Also, López-Blázquez and Salamanca-Miño (2013) analyse, in Section 7, properties of maximum...
comparison of quantile estimators in normal sampling. biometrics 46(1):247–257 article google scholar qin y, zhao l (1997) empirical likelihood ratio confidence intervals for the differences of quantiles of two populations. chin ann math (ser a) 18:687–694 google scholar sun ...