maximum likelihood estimationmultiple comparison testsproduct reliabilityreliability estimationreliability and maintainabilityThe Weibull distribution has long been a popular choice for modeling lifetime data of various mechanical and biological phenomena when the associated hazard rate function is constant or ...
T. Elperin and I. Gertsbakh, Maximum likelihood estimation in a Weibull regression model with Type-I censoring: A Monte Carlo study, Commun Stat Simul Comput 16 (1987), 349-371.Elperin, T. and I. Gertsbakh. 1987. Maximum likelihood estimation in a Weibull regression model with type I ...
Microelectronics Reliability Volume 33, Issue 13, October 1993, Pages 2063World abstract on microelectronics and reliability 3. Circuit and systems reliability, maintenance and redundancyMaximum likelihood estimation of Weibull parameters in a renewal process based on remaining life from a specified time ...
Parameter Estimation The likelihood function is the probability density function (pdf) viewed as a function of the parameters. The maximum likelihood estimates (MLEs) are the parameter estimates that maximize the likelihood function for fixed values of x. The maximum likelihood estimators of a and ...
Key words:interval-censored data; proportional odds model; Weibull distribution; maximum likelihood estimation 参考文献: [1]SUN J.The statistical analysis of interval-censored failure time data[M].New York:Springer Verlag,2006. [2]BENNETT S.Analy...
The results show that the proposed estimators outperform the maximum likelihood estimation. 0 引言 在可靠性寿命试验中,Weibull 分布是最常见的寿命分布之 一,它的分布函数为: F(x)=1-exp(-x/η )βη,β >0(1) 式中 β 为形状参数,η 为尺度参数。当形状参数 β : In this art icle, obtain s...
Here, we considered four estimation techniques for constructing the estimation of the unknown parameters for MPGW model. The determination of the estimate parameters using different procedures has been made available to various authors such as17,18,19. Maximum likelihood estimation and its asymptotics ...
AdvancedAlgorithmforMaximumLikelihoodEstimation ofThreeParameterWeibullDistribution YangMoucun 1 ,NieHong 2 (1.CollegeofEnergyandPowerEngineering,NanjingUniversityofAeronautics &Astronautics,Nanjing,210016,China; 2.CollegeofAerospaceEngineering,NanjingUniversityofAeronautics&Astronautics,Nanjing,210016,China) Abstract:Ac...
Friedman L, Gertsbakh IB (1980) Maximum likelihood estimation in a minimum-type model with exponential and Weibull failure modes. J Amer Stat Assoc 75:460–465Friedman L, Gertsbakh IB (1980) Maximum likelihood estimation in a minimum type model with exponential and Weibull failure model. J. ...
Inverse Weibull distributionMaximum likelihood estimatorsMonte Carlo simulation62F1062F4062N0262N05This article deals with the Bayesian and non-Bayesian estimation of multicomponent sreess-srength reliability by assuming the Kumaraswamy distribution. Both stress and strength are assumed to have an ...