Except at velocities close to the transverse sound velocity this force is proportional to the dislocation velocity. At high plastic strain rates dislocations may be required to move so quickly that dislocation damping forces determine the flow stress. In this note an estimate is made of strain ...
Maximum likelihood estimation in a minimum-type model with exponential and Weibull failure modes - Friedman, Gertsbakh - 1980Maximumlikelihood estimationin a minimum-type model with exponential and Weibull failuremodes. FRIEDMANLB,GERTSBAKHI. Journal of the American Statistical Association . 1980...
T. Elperin and I. Gertsbakh, Maximum likelihood estimation in a Weibull regression model with Type-I censoring: A Monte Carlo study, Commun Stat Simul Comput 16 (1987), 349-371.Elperin, T. and I. Gertsbakh. 1987. Maximum likelihood estimation in a Weibull regression model with type I ...
2 Estimation with mlexp 3 Introduction to ml 4 Overview of ml 5 Method lf 6 Methods lf0, lf1, and lf2 7 Methods d0, d1, and d2 8 Debugging likelihood evaluators 9 Setting initial values 10 Interactive maximization 11 Final results 12 Writing do-files to maximize likelihoods 13 Writing ...
在最后一章中,作者阐述了从对数似然函数到完全可操作的估计命令所需的主要步骤。使用几种不同的模型来完成:logit和probit,线性回归,Weibull 回归,Cox比例风险模型,随机效应回归和看似不相关的回归。这个版本增加了一个二元 Poisson 模型的新例子,这个模型在Stata中没有。作者为开发估计命令提供了广泛的建议。在本...
7.Blind Sources Separation Algorithm Study and Application by Maximum Likelihood Estimation盲源分离的极大似然估计算法研究与应用 8.Fast Algorithm of the Maximum Likelihood Parameter Estimation for Passive Synthetic Arrays被动合成阵列极大似然参数估计的快速方法 9.A Solution Method for 3-Parameter Weibull Dis...
For the basic maximum likelihood estimating function of the two parameters Weibull distribution, a simple proof on its global monotonicity is given to ensure the existence and uniqueness of its solution. The boundary of the function's first-order derivative is defined based on its scale-free ...
The REML methodology performs maximum likelihood estimation of a restricted likelihood function that does not depend on the fixed-effect parameters. REML 方法执行限制似然函数的最大似然估计,它不依赖于固定效应参数。 ParaCrawl Corpus A parametric bootstrap is performed for the first Weibull, yielding...
美 英 un.最大概似估计式 网络最大似然估计量 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 最大概似估计式 释义: 全部,最大概似估计式,最大似然估计量
Inverse Weibull distributionMaximum likelihood estimatorsMonte Carlo simulation62F1062F4062N0262N05This article deals with the Bayesian and non-Bayesian estimation of multicomponent sreess-srength reliability by assuming the Kumaraswamy distribution. Both stress and strength are assumed to have an ...