pa=reinterpret_cast<A*>(la);//la太长,只取低32位0x5678abcd拷贝给pa unsignedint u=reinterpret_cast<unsignedint>(pa);//pa逐个比特拷贝到u cout<< hex<< u<< endl;//输出 5678abcd typedefvoid(* PF1)(int); typedefint(* PF2)(int,char*); PF1pf1;PF2pf2; pf2=reinterpret_cast<PF2>(...
IBM的C++指南、C++之父Bjarne Stroustrup的FAQ网页和MSDN的Visual C++也都指出:错误的使用reinterpret_cast很容易导致程序的不安全,只有将转换后的类型值转换回到其原始类型,这样才是正确使用reinterpret_cast方式。 MSDN中也提到了,实际中可将reinterpret_cast应用到哈希函数中,如下(64位系统中需将unsigned int修改为unsig...
unsigned int ui = 25; char c = static_cast<char>(ui); int i = static_cast<int>(d); int j = static_cast<int>(B); //父类子类转换 class F //father { public: int _father; }; class S : public F //son { public: _son; }; F *pFather = new F(); S *pSon = new S(...
typedef unsigned charBYTE;voidf(){char ch;int i=65;float f=2.5;double dbl;ch=static_cast<char>(i);// int to chardbl=static_cast<double>(f);// float to doublei=static_cast<BYTE>(ch);} 示例代码2: 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 // static_cast_Operator...
23. unsigned int u = reinterpret_cast<unsigned int>(pa);//pa逐个比特拷贝到u 24. cout << hex << u << endl; //输出 5678abcd 25. typedef void (* PF1) (int); 26. typedef int (* PF2) (int,char *); 27. PF1 pf1; PF2 pf2; ...
1、这两个都是做类型转换的,发生的时间不同, static_cast 是编译时, dynamic_cast 是运行时。 2、dynamic_cast 操作符会进行安全检查,而 static_cast 操作符不会进行安全检查; 3、应用场景 a、static_cast 1、基础类型之间互转。如:float转成int、int转成unsigned int等;2、指针与void*之间互转。如:float...
reinterpret_cast不能转换掉表达式的const 可以用在将void*转换为int类型 代码语言:c++ 复制 unsigned short Hash( void *p ) { unsigned int val = reinterpret_cast<unsigned int>( p ); return ( unsigned short )( val ^ (val >> 16)); }
int main() { float test; unsigned int test2; test = 1.8; cout << "\n" << test*100.0 << endl; test2 = static_cast<uns igned int>(test*100.0 ); cout << "\n" << test2 << endl; } The strange thing is that the program returns 180 on the first cout (as expected) but it...
通常情况下,size_t其实就是unsigned int,是用typedef给unsigned int指定的别名。static_cast相当于隐式的类型转换,在这里,即把0转换成size_t类型。而,0是整形文字常量,它的类型是int型,所以,static_cast<size_t>(0)的意思就是把有符号的0转换成无符号的0。~运算符是按位取反运算符,也就...