当您遇到错误信息“unknown egen function var()”时,这通常意味着Stata无法识别您尝试使用的egen函数。 这里有几种可能的原因: 1.拼写错误或函数名错误:确保您使用的egen函数名称是正确的。例如,如果您想创建一个新变量,该变量是现有变量的总和,您应该使用egen sum_var = sum(varname)。 2.未安装的包或命令:...
ssc install egenmore
ssc install egenmore
Source:Archive of user-written Stata packages 导言 这里汇集了截至 2015年1月1日 为止的所有 Stata 外部命令。可以在线查看每个外部命令的帮助文件。 对于感兴趣的命令,可以使用findit在 Stata 命令窗口中搜索后下载,亦可直接使用ssc install命令直接下载。 浏览最近一个月发布的新命令,请点击- Stata最近一月外部命...
S456946 _PEERS: Stata module to allow egen to compute the average characteristics of peers in a given unit (school, firm, etc.) specified by by() by Amine Ouazad S456945 XTMIS: Stata module to report missing observations for each variable in xt data ...
true value of Repeating the experiments for b1 = 1.348979, and b2 = 0: N (0 (1x1 + .6)2), the true value of the coefficients are intercept = .8058132, coefficient reps(20) b1 b2 intercept reps(100) b1 b2 intercept true average average value value width 1.3490 1.3516 0.7486 0 -....
Re: st: manual weighted average variable in panel data set, Nick Cox (Fri Nov 16 03:31:02 2012) st: New package -tdpd- added to SSC, WEBER Sylvain (Thu Nov 15 16:49:01 2012) st: Nested design problem, Steven Raemaekers (Thu Nov 15 15:46:01 2012) Re: st: Nested design...
(Many researchers new to bootstrapping think that this average is somehow a better estimate of the parameter than the statistic obtained in normal ways. That is not true. What is true is that if the statistic is biased in some way, ; ; ( ; ) = ;z zexaggerates the bias. Denoting ...
S456946 _PEERS: Stata module to allow egen to compute the average characteristics of peers in a given unit (school, firm, etc.) specified by by() byAmine Ouazad S456945 XTMIS: Stata module to report missing observations for each variable in xt data ...
连享会-直播课上线了! http://lianxh.duanshu.com 免费公开课: 直击面板数据模型- 连玉君,时长:1小时40分钟 Stata 33 讲- 连玉君, 每讲 15 分钟. 部分直播课课程资料下载(PPT,dofiles等) 课程一览 NEW!连享会 - 效率分析专题, 2020年5月29-31日 ...