括号中的“mean”也可换成median、sum、sd、p25、p75等 graph bar a1 a2,over(b) stack (对应在b的每一个取值,显示a1和a2的条形图,a1和a2是叠放成一根条形柱。若不写入“stack”,则a1和a2显示为两个并排的条形柱) graph dot (median)y,over(x) (画点图,沿着水平刻度,在x的每一个取值水平所对应的...
We can approximate the unknown mean function using a polynomial. The more complex the mean function, the more polynomial terms (x, x2, x3, . . . ) we need to include to approximate the mean consistently. Likewise, as the complexity of the the mean function increases, we need more terms...
Unknown break point Known break points Cumulative sum test for stability of coefficients ARCH LM test Moran's test for spatial dependence Diagnostic plots Added variable (leverage) plot Component plus residual plot Leverage vs. squared residual plot Residual vs. fitted plot Residual vs. pred...
Roger Newson, 2002, Parameters behind "Nonparametric" Statistics: Kendall's tau, Somers' D and Median Differences, Stata Journal, 2(1): 45–64. [pdf] A. P. Mander, 2002, Analysis of Quantitative Traits using Regression and Log-linear Modeling when Phase is unknown, Stata Journal, 2(1):...
S456965 WTPCIKR: Stata module to estimate Krinsky and Robb Confidence Intervals for Mean and Median Willingness to Pay by P. Wilner Jeanty S456964 REGSAVE: Stata module to save regression results to a Stata-formatted dataset by Julian Reif ...
1、生成一个自变量和一个因变量。2、点击Statistics|linear model and related|linear regression菜单。3、在弹出的regress中设置相关变量,然后再点确定。4、在结果界面中,_cons为.5205279表示回归截距,说明回归方程具有统计学意义。R-squared和Adj R-squared分别为0.9905和0.9893,说明回归方程拟合效果...
qhapipf Module to perform analysis of quantitative traits using regression and log-linear modelling when PHASE is unknown qic Module to compute model selection criterion in GEE analyses qll Module to implement Elliott-M��ller efficient test for general persistent time variation in regression coef...
S456965 WTPCIKR: Stata module to estimate Krinsky and Robb Confidence Intervals for Mean and Median Willingness to Pay byP. Wilner Jeanty S456964 REGSAVE: Stata module to save regression results to a Stata-formatted dataset byJulian Reif ...
Unknown, MIT licenses found 263stars40forksBranchesTagsActivity Star Notifications main BranchesTags Code Folders and files Latest commit 379 Commits .github R README_files/figure-markdown_github docs inst man po tests vignettes .Rbuildignore
Had we wanted to treat the unknown groups just as we would any other category, we could have typed . egen rs2=group(race sex), missing . list race sex rs2 race sex 1. female 2. black female 3. black male 4. white 5. white female 6. white male 7. white male rs2 1 2 3 4...