stata中的moderator和median 下载积分: 1000 内容提示: Stata FAQ How can I do moderated mediation in Stata? Preacher, Rucker and Hayes (2007) show how to do moderated mediation using an SPSS macro, so how can I do moderated mediation in Stata? Here is the full citation to the article: Pr...
There is ONLY ONE correct answer for each of the following questions. Each question is worth 4 points, for a total of 40 points. (1)To delete all special treatment (ST) listed firms and any firms in the financial industry, the following corresponding code should be filled in【___】. fo...
(2024). Can government digital transformation improve corporate energy efficiency in resource-based cities? Appendix A. Supplementary data【数据+Stata】 示例代码 对源代码进行了优化: cd C:\Download\1-s2.0-S0140988324007527-mmc1 u Data, clear gl yearfe year2011 year2012 year2013 year2014 year2015...
括号中的“mean”也可换成median、sum、sd、p25、p75等 graph bar a1 a2,over(b) stack (对应在b的每一个取值,显示a1和a2的条形图,a1和a2是叠放成一根条形柱。若不写入“stack”,则a1和a2显示为两个并排的条形柱) graph dot (median)y,over(x) (画点图,沿着水平刻度,在x的每一个取值水平所对应的...
*This rsult will be saved in the data file:wage1.dta * written:10/21/05 在调试 do-file ⽂件时,可以选择部分命令让 Stata 只运⾏选中部分。我们可以保存当前使⽤的 do-file ⽂件。Review 窗⼝中的命令也可以保存为 do-file。⽅法是右键点击Review窗⼝,选择 Save Review Contents。(3...
2、Median regression分位数回归,代码为 qreg price weight length foreign 结果为: 3、Estimate .25 quantile using the Bofinger bandwidth method,代码为 qregprice weight length foreign, quantile(.25) vce(iid, bofinger) 4、Estimate .75 quantile using the Parzen kernel density estimator and the Chamber...
labelled Groups中填写因素(即自变量,本例中为dose);labelled Response Variable中填写结果变量(即因变量,本例中为libido)。Levene检验默认基于偏离median的离差程度,因此默认median选项,但是可以更改。结果输出见10.6.5. (2)ANOVA的初步检验:首先按照如下菜单栏进行点击,(Statistics⇒Means⇒One-way ANOVA… menu);...
Median regression Least absolute deviations (LAD) Regression of any quantile Interquantile range regression Standard errors Koenker and Bassett Robust — choose bandwidth and kernel Bootstrap Instrumental variables New Multiple imputation Bayesian estimation StataNow Fractional polynomial regression Support...
The following are implemented internally in C: Functiongcollapsegegengstats tab tagX groupX totalX countXXX nuniqueXXX nmissingXX (+)X sumXXX nansumXXX rawsumXX rawnansumXX meanXXX geomeanXXX medianXXX percentilesXXX iqrXXX sdXXX varianceXX (+)X ...
1命令简介Statadoesnothaveabuilt-incommandforpropensityscorematching,anon-experimentalmethodofsamplingthatproducesacontrolgroupwhosedistributionofcovariatesissimilartothatofthetreatedgroup. 2、However,thereareseveraluser-writtenmodulesforthismethod.Thefollowingmodulesareamongthemostpopular:Stata没有一个内置的倾向评分...