and t indicates the year. αj , αk, and αt are firm, occupation, and year fixed effects, respectively. Xi comprises individual-level controls including age, work experience, education, and number of children. Standard errors are double-clustered at the individual and firm...
Variables: 9 13 May 2023 21:03 --- Variable Storage Display Value name type format label Variable label --- Stkcd long %12.0g 证券代码 year int %10.0g 年份 security_name str12 %12s 证券简称 release_date str10 %10s 发布日期 rep_size long %10.0g 报告大小(KB) cnt_char long %...
得到结果,说明变量之间有较强的相关性,适合做主成份分析。 Squared multiple correlations of variables with all other variables---Variable|smc---+---x1|0.8923x2|0.9862y1|0.9657y2|0.9897y3|0.9910y4|0.9898y5|0.9769y6|0.9859y7|0.9735--- 变量标准化 . egen z1=std(x1) 2.对变量进行主成份分析 ....
Panel C: Variables that are constant within a fixed effect group--- | Number of ... | firm* | year* Variable | Obs Singl | #Groups #Obs | #Groups #Obs---+---+---+--- y | 623 38 | 0 0 | 0 0 x1 | 623 38
Below we use thelogitcommand to estimate a logistic regression model. Thei.beforerankindicates thatrankis a factor variable (i.e., categorical variable), and that it should be included in the model as a series of indicator variables. Note that this syntax was introduced in Stata 11. ...
对应x的每一个取值,显示y的平均数的条形图。括号中的“mean”也可换成median、sum、sd、p25、p75等 graph bar a1 a2,over(b) stack (对应在b的每一个取值,显示a1和a2的条形图,a1和a2是叠放成一根条形柱。若不写入“stack”,则a1和a2显示为两个并排的条形柱) ...
我们所有的运行结果都会在Stata Results界面中显示;而命令的输入则在Stata Command窗口;Review窗口记录我们使用过的命令;最后Variables窗口显示存在于当前数据库中的所有变量的名称。可以直接点击 Review窗口来重新输入已使用过的命令,我们所需变量可以通过点击Varaibles窗口来得到,这些都可以简便我们的...
如果选择columns(variables )格式,则相反使用tabulate,sum命令描述数据, tab a b,sum(c ) :连接变量a,b的分类变量,计算变量c的统计量,输出a,b的度数分布。 在sum之后输出统计量的数值型变量:分类变量; 连续变量. tab strata sum (yrs th )|summaryofyearofschoolstrata|means | ...
help _variables // 系统变量 sysuse nlsw88, clear dis _N //样本数 creturn list // 系统参数设置 dis c(current_time) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 暂元 局域暂元 (local) :只能存在于一次运行之中 local a = 5 display `a' // 注意应用方法 左边是` 右边是' ...