. replace y = `a' + `b' * (`exp' + cond(missing(y[_n-1]), 0, y[_n-1])) where `a', `b', and `exp' are arbitrary Stata expressions? If they're not the same, is there a way of modifying the second to make it the same as the first? (If they're the same in ...
version 4.0.0 04oct2004 program define _gsum // -egen- function -sum()- renamed to -total()- for Stata 9 // no -version #- statement _gtotal `0' end To see this, which _gsum viewsource _gsum.ado Kit Baum, Boston College Economics and DIW Berlinhttp://ideas.repec.org/e/pba1...
Is there any way to save time from copying data from one sheet to another? In this specific case, you can use Excel's MATCH or VLOOKUP/HLOOKUP function. It can not only reduces the chances of error but saves tons of time also.
For example 3, I would think that we will need to use the WTEST function with 2-tailed test. However, the p-value obtained using the 2-tailed function WTEST(R1, R2, 2) gave a 2 times bigger p-value than the p-value obtained using the normal approximation. Why? In your observation...
Ahmed, S. F., Kuhfeld, M., Watts, T. W., Davis-Kean, P. E., & Vandell, D. L. (2021). Preschool executive function and adult outcomes: A developmental cascade model.Developmental Psychology,57(12), 2234–2249.https://doi.org/10.1037/dev0001270. ...
first formula will be =SUMIFS($G$4:$G$21,$B$4:$B$21,$K4,$F$4:$F$21,L$2,$D$4:$D$21,1) , rest in the row are similar, and drag them down. Please see second sheet in attached. Thank you so much, you made my day!
1. function L_all = logmapo(rec_s,g,L_a,ind_dec) % Copyright Nov 1998, Yufei Wu % MPRG lab, Virginia Tech. % for academic use only % Log_MAP algorithm using straightforward method to compute branch metrics % no approximation is used. % Can be simplified to Max-Log-MAP by using ...
We have a simple model for unemployment. The model is that unemployment is a function of its lagged value. After we fit our model, we test for a structural break. We have four series of unemployment, one for each Census region of the U.S. Those regions are West, South, New England,...
Recall that generate's sum function is a RUNNING sum, not the total of member. You want egen sum to generate a variable that is a constant across obs. Using auto, g junk = (price < sum(price)) will be zero in the first obs and 1 thereafter. ...