stata求助 出现option border() not allowed该怎么解决? 考完啦 经管实证咨询与解答 解决办法1.版本兼容问题 把stata从15升到15.1 解决办法2.更换命令 更换成outreg2或者ettab之类的命令… 阅读全文 赞同 11 条评论 分享 收藏喜欢 ...
order weight, before(price) 每当我输入 xtset code year 就会出现 varlist: code: string variable not allowed 到底怎么了 下面是我的数据varlist: code: string variable not allowed destring XXX, replace force 定义面板数据时,出现repeated time values within panel 是怎么回事,如何解决?谢谢大家。 tsset tf...
请问一下,这里的option if is not allowed是怎么回事,应该如何处理? 托马斯营 内蒙古大学 生态学博士 试着去掉逗号 ;这个仅仅定义id>=20 ,其他的id也需要定义吧,可以在 后面 打 then if id<20 赞同2 条评论 分享 收藏喜欢 ...
1. scheme,修改图片背景为单色:help scheme; graph query, schemes; set scheme s1mono, perm 2. [twoway] scatter varlist [if] [in] [weight] [, options] 3. 修改散点的形状、颜色、大小:twoway scatter mpg weight, msymbol(O/D/S/+/X/Oh//hollow/;大小写) mcolor(black/white/lime等) msiz...
<hr/>每当我输入 xtset code year 就会出现 varlist: code: string variable not allowed 到底如何了 下面是我的数据varlist: code: string variable not allowed destring XXX, replace force <hr/>定义面板数据时,出现repeated time values within panel 是如何回事,如何解决?谢谢大家。 tsset tf...。 其中发现了有几个问题,写出来以便以后再犯。首先,因为我需要地图显示各个省份的英文名字,所以我需要对英文名字进行更改。此处参考人大经济论坛的帖子里对于中文名字部分的更改。
Why did I get error message "option lclass() is not allowed with models specified with continuous latent variables" from gsem? (Added 05 November 2018) Mac: What is the minimum macOS requirement for Stata 15? (Added 24 October 2018) Programming language: How can I pass arguments to my...
You may renamehello.dlltohello.plugin. This will save you from having to specify theusing()option when you load your plugin, but this is not required. If you are using Cygwin and the gcc compiler 3.XX under Windows, type $ gcc -shared -mno-cygwin stplugin.c hello.c -o hello.plugin...
Stata screen and general description First steps: Setting the working directory (pwdand cd….) Log file (logusing…) Memory allocation (setmem…) Do‐files (doedit) Opening/saving a Stata datafile Quick way of finding variables Subsetting (using conditional “if”) Stata color coding system Fr...
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