spmap [attribute] [if] [in] using basemap [, basemap_options polygon(polygon_suboptions) line(line_suboptions) point(point_suboptions) diagram(diagram_suboptions) arrow(arrow_suboptions) label(label_suboptions) scalebar(scalebar_suboptions) graph_options] 主要可选项说明如下: -basemap_options设置...
spmap [attribute] [if] [in] using basemap [, basemap_options polygon(polygon_suboptions) line(line_suboptions) point(point_suboptions) diagram(diagram_suboptions) arrow(arrow_suboptions) label(label_suboptions) scalebar(scalebar_suboptions) graph_options] 在stata培训会议中总结的命令为: use E:...
spmap [attribute] [if] [in] using basemap [, basemap_options polygon(polygon_suboptions) line(line_suboptions) point(point_suboptions) diagram(diagram_suboptions) arrow(arrow_suboptions) label(label_suboptions) scalebar(scalebar_suboptions) graph_options] 在stata12.0或者14.0版本中,该命令还提供...
graphregion(color(white)) /// // 设置图形区域的背景颜色为白色 xscale(noline) xtit(,placement(left) justification(left)) /// // X 轴刻度线不显示;X轴标题放置在图形左侧、左对齐 yscale(noline) ylab(,angle(0) nogrid) /// // Y 轴刻度线不显示;Y轴标签水平显示、不显示网格线 legend(region...
(): adds text to a specified location on the graph; yline(): adds horizontal (bar) or vertical (hbar) lines at specified y values; aspect_option: allows you to control the relationship between the height and width of a graph’s plot region std_options: Options for use with graph ...
利用箱线图可以观察数据分布的范围、中心位置和对称性等特征,还可以进行多组数据分布的比较,箱线图的绘图命令 绘制纵向图 graph box yvars if in weight ,options 绘制横向图 graph hbox yvars if in weight ,options over( )设定分组变量,变量可以是数值型或者字符型变量,可以设置多达3个的分组变量。 sort()...
而对于常见的graph twoway 命令,则可以延伸出来很多图形,包括散点图、折线图、饼图等。 命令用法为: [graph] twoway plot [if] [in] [, twoway_options] where the syntax of plot is [(] plottype varlist ..., options [)] [||] plottype介绍如下: scatter scatterplot line line plot connected...
下图Stata代码:graph twoway scatter le_male le_female year 图3.2.1 下图Stata代码:twoway line le_male le_female year 图3.2.2 下图Stata代码:twoway area le_female le_male year 图3.2.3 下图Stata代码:twoway line le_wmale le_wfemale le_bmale le_bfemale year ...
help graph Stata 图形大全概览 在统计学中,最常见的图形是显示点或线的 X-Y 图。在 Stata 中,可以使用 towway 子命令来创建这些图形,并且 towway 子命令还具有许多子命令或绘图类型,其中最重要的是 scatter 和 line。此外,我还可以简要介绍一下使用 bar 子命令可以获得的条形图和其他类型的图形。
下图Stata代码:graph twoway scatter le_male le_female year 图3.2.1 下图Stata代码:twoway line le_male le_female year 图3.2.2 下图Stata代码:twoway area le_female le_male year 图3.2.3 下图Stata代码:twoway line le_wmale le_wfemale le_bma...