set scheme s1mono graph twoway line le_wmale le_bmale year 线条颜色 #delimit graph twoway (line le_wmale le_bmale year , lcolor(green red) ) , title("U.S. Life Expectancy") subtitle("Males") legend( order(1 "White men" 2 "Black men")) ; #delimit cr 线条样式 #delimit graph...
. egen xmin = min(x), by(group) . egen xmax = max(x), by(group) . gsort -xmin -xmax group x . graph y x, c(L) is a better solution. We also show how to draw other graphs with distinct line segments. Let’s look at some examples, modeled closely on questions that arose...
graphregion(margin(t=-5)) twoway (histogram cty, yscale(off) xscale(off) ylabel(, nogrid) xlabel(, nogrid) bin(30)), name(cty_hist, replace) graphregion(margin(l=16)) fysize(15) twoway (histogram hwy, horizontal yscale(off) xscale(off) ylabel(, nogrid) xlabel(, nogrid) bin(30)...
其中,Stata 的绘图语法以 graph 命令开头,包括绘制各类图形的绘图命令(graph commands)以及图形画好后用来删除、读取或多图合并的绘图管理命令(graph management commands)。下表简要列举了两类命令。 绘图命令(graph commands) 绘图管理命令(graph management commands) graph twoway scatterplots, line plots, etc ...
note('By the Stata Guide') 3.2 折线图 *** Line graphtwoway /// (line var2 date if group==1) /// (line var2 date if group==2) /// (line var2 date if group==3) /// (line var2 date if group==4) /// (line var2 date if group==5) /// (line var2 date if group...
bytwoway returns the macro r(cmd) that generates the final graph: macros: r(cmd) : twoway (line wage grade in 1/16, mcolor(`"navy"') lcolor(`"navy"') /// lpattern(`"solid"') msymbol(`"circle"') legend(label(1 white))) (line wage grade in /// 17/32, mcolor(`"maroon...
Various connecting line options Axis scaling and labeling Updated Multiple graph windows Control color and transparency Vary color of markers, lines, spikes, dots, bars, and more based on the values of a numeric variable StataNow Control sizes of all graph elements Watch Stata's new graph...
(line 单产 yearifarea=="Viet Nam",lcolor(black*0.8)lpattern(shortdash)lwidth(0.4))///,xlabel(2010(1)2018.5,labsize(4)labgap(0))///ylabel(400(100)1010,labsize(4)labgap(0))///xtitle("",size(4)margin(0000))///ytitle("单产(斤/亩)",size(4)margin(01.500))///graphregion(...
箱图 boxgraph box 连续变 10、量1 连续变量2, over(分类变量)如:graph box n16, over(n2a6bb)(参加不同保险的人的医疗平均费用)2 两维图twoway 2.1 散点图graph twoway scatter ne5 age 2.2 用线连接图graph twoway line ne5 age, sort2.3 线性回归图graph twoway lfit ne5 age2.4 叠加图graph ...