We then obtainunexpectedreturn on assets, marketing intensity, and R&D intensity by subtracting the expected values from the actual values. Then, we define MYO, which represents myopic management, as an indicator variable thatequals one if a firm has unexpected positive ROA and unexpected negative M...
label variable `var' "`=`var'[1]'" replace `var' = "" if _n == 1 destring `var' , replace } drop in 1/2 foreach Q of varlist Trddt{ g LDD = date(`Q' , "YMD") format %td LDD g year = year(LDD) drop LDD } destring St, force replace order St y destring *a *c...
26、ns data from .stata-press./data/r9/destringLdtaobs: 10vars: 5 3 Mar 2005 10:15size: 240 (99.9% of memory free)storage display valuevariable name type format label variable labelid str3 %9snum str3 % 9scode str4 % 9s total str5 % 9s income str5 % 9s.sum因为所有变量为字符型...
static String getVarValueLabel(int index) Get the value-label name associated with a variable. static int removeLabel(String name) Remove a value-label name. static int removeLabelValue(String name, int value) Remove a value-label value from the specified value-label name. static int removeLa...
*Macro宏定义 local ++x //这与local x=x'+1 local x=x'+1 sysuse auto.dta, clear global x : type mpg //扩展方程宏 dis "x" global x2 : variable label mpg //扩展方程宏 dis "x2" constraint 1 price = weight //限制1为price=weight constraint 2 mpg > 20 local myname : constraint...
variable nametypeformat label variable label --- idfloat%9.0g femalefloat%9.0g fl sesfloat%9.0g sl schtypfloat%9.0g scltypeof school progfloat%9.0g seltypeof program readfloat%9.0g reading score writefloat%9.0g writing score mathfloat%9.0g math score science...
S456967 LABGEN: Stata module to generate or replace variables with definitions in variable labels by Nicholas J. Cox S456966 INORM: Stata module to perform multiple imputation using Schafer’s method by John C. Galati & John B. Carlin