Stata数据标签和解释:一份详细的指南说明书 9Labeling data Making data readable This chapter discusses,in brief,labeling of the dataset,variables,and values.Such labeling is critical to careful use of data.Labeling variables with descriptive names clarifies their meanings.Labeling values of numerical ...
label variable carat "weight of the diamond (0.2–5.01)" label variable cut "quality of the cut (Fair, Good, Very Good, Premium, Ideal)" label variable color "diamond colour, from J (worst) to D (best)" label variable clarity "a measurement of how clear the diamond is (I1 (worst)...
Stata 允许您使用命令后跟最多 80 个字符的标签来标记数据集。您还可以添加 使用命令label data``notes label data表示给数据样本加标签 notes表示加备注 . label data"Family Planning Effort Data" . notes: Source P.W. Mauldin and B. Berelson (1978). /// > Conditions of fertility declineindeveloping ...
S456915 SCORES: Stata module to creates scores (row-wise) of a set of variables allowing the specification of the number of valid values required and/or to produce various transformations of scores by Dirk Enzmann S456914 FESE: Stata module to calculate standard errors for fixed effects by Aust...
label data "~~~"(对现用的数据库做标记,"~~~"就是标记,可自行填写) label variable x "~~~"(对变量x做标记) label values x label1(赋予变量x一组标签:label1) label define label1 1 "a1" 2 "a2"(定义标签的具体内容:当x=1时,标记为a1,当x=2时,标记为a2) ...
label define urban 0 rural 1 urban :给变量的取值贴标签的基本命令 :变量名 :变量的现有取值 :取值的标签 步骤步骤2:将取值标签指定给变量:将取值标签指定给变量 . label values urban urban :将取值与标签结合的基本命令 步骤步骤3:数值与标签:数值与标签(可有可无) . numlabel urban, add mask(#. ) ...
string variables:指字符变量,例如取值很好、一般、不好 为了让stata识别变量的含义,一般需要把变量转化...
S458921 COUNTVALUES: Stata module to list counts of integer values across variables byNicholas J. Cox S458920 INLIST2: Stata module to create an inlist() dummy, without the inlist() limitations byMatteo Pinna S458919 SONGBL: Stata module to search and share Stata resources and blogs ...
export excel name varlab using BDLP_pred_varlist.xlsx, firstrow(variables) replace; label命令里面让初学者容易觉得迷糊的是label define和label value这对命令。 . lab define gender_lbl 1 "男" 2 "女"//专门为gender变量定义了一个叫gender_lbl的取值标签//这个取值标签 就是取值为1的话,标签“男...