**估计vif值 reg $ylist $xlist estat vif 经验上,VIF最大不超过10,严格来说不应高于5 很明显没必要修正多重共线性,面板数据能不搞就不搞。 多重共线性修正: 根据变量的相关性排名频率来排先后剔除顺序(相关性至少>0.5) 变量lndedlndotwlnilfalnfdllngdp 第一大相关变量 lndotw lnilfa lnedu lnedu lnedu...
童笑笑haha 托儿所 1 使用完ivreg2命令之后,具体为ivreg2 lw s expr rns smsa (iq=med kww age mrt),r,想使用estat overid 显示estat overid not valid 怎么办,用其他的命令比如estat endogenous也是这样登录百度帐号 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频!
ivregress 2sls Y X1 X2 X3 X4 (X1= Z1 Z2), robust为了更深入地检查模型的稳健性,你可以使用ivreg2插件进行额外检验。首先,运行 ivreg2 Y X1 X2 X3 X4, r first这将输出endogenous检验,检查是否存在内生性问题。接着,执行 estat overid以查看是否存在过度识别(overid)的迹象,以及弱工...
$head $household $provfe if wave==1 estat endogenous local dwh: display %9.4f `r(wu)' loca...
model with gsem Two-level model with gsem Fitting the models with the Builder One-level model with sem You canfit single-level mediation models with sem or gsem.You will be better off using sem because then you can use estat teffects afterward to compute indirect and total effects.1 ...
展示回归分析的结果是应用统计分析的重要组成部分。esttab命令是由瑞士波恩大学社会学研究所(University of Bern, Institute of Sociology)的 Ben Jann 教授编写的Stata用户外部命令,主要用于生成满足用户需求的回归表格(Display formatted regression table),这类命令已经成为量化实证分析中的基础性技能,兼具效率、规范...
are valid, and is only valid when there are more instruments than endogenous variables (overidentified case). So as you both mention it is not a test of exogeneity of the instruments, but rather that the additional restrictions we are imposing by having additional instruments are valid. ...
8.1.3 Advanced programming to tolerate errors Errors are not only of the typographical kind; some are substantive. A command that is valid in one dataset might not be valid in another. Moreover, in advanced programming, errors are sometimes anticipated: use one dataset if it is there, but ...
PC1 and PC2 can be calculated using estat ic, see estat ic. Notes: The IC and PC are only valid for static panel models. The IC and PC are intended to identify the optimal set of cross-section averages. DO NOT use the criteria to select the number of lags in a dynamic model. ...