setobs 12 egen id = seq, from(1) to(3) block(4) bysort id: gen yr = 2000 + _n gen x = runiform * Lag(s) bysort id (yr): gen xlag = x[_n-1] * Lead(s) bysort id (yr): gen xlead = x[_n+1] 计算行数count countifmonth==10 * Count rows by group: tabulate origi...
How do I check that the same data input by two people are consistently entered? How can I list observations in blocks? Can I do by and sort in one command? Why am I losing precision with large whole numbers (such as an ID variable)? How can I quickly recode continuous variables into ...
① 首先,将Wing et al.(2024)的“create_sub_exp()”函数命令copy到stata的dofile中,然后保存成create_sub_exp.ado; ②将create_sub_exp.ado放置在stata/ado/personal文件夹中 命令格式: create_sub_exp, timeID() groupID() adoptionTime() focalAdoptionTime() kappa_pre() kappa_post() timeID:时间...
语法:group_indices(.data, …) 返回分组后,每条记录的分组id。 举例4: #返回每条记录所在分组id组成的向量 group_indices(mtcars, cyl) 语法:group_size(x) n_groups(x) group_size用于返回每个分组的记录数,n_groups返回分成的组数。 举例5: by_cyl <- group_by(mtcars, cyl) ...
史上最全的 Stata 外部命令一览,可以在线查看帮助文件。 Source:Archive of user-written Stata packages 导言 这里汇集了截至 2015年1月1日 为止的所有 Stata 外部命令。可以在线查看每个外部命令的帮助文件。 对于感兴趣的命令,可以使用findit在 Stata 命令窗口中搜索后下载,亦可直接使用ssc install命令直接下载。
hashsort byvars, group(id) sortgroupegenoutvar=fcn(varlist) [if] [in], by(id) but preserving the original sort order. In case anegenoption might conflict with a gtools option, the user can passgtools_capture(fcn_options)togegen. ...
Stata 16 系列用户指南说明书 Stata16—Under the Hood Bill Rising StataCorp LLC 2019Italian Stata Users Group Meeting 26September2019 Firenze Contents 1Introduction1 1.1Goals (1)2Frames2 2.1Basic Frames (2)2.2Linking Frames (3)2.3Copying,Putting,and Posting (10)2.4Side Gains from Frames (...
by Marc Chan & Simon Kwok S458907 MCWR: Stata module to compute Markov chain with rewards calculations by Daniel C. Schneider & Mikko Myrskylä & Alyson van Raalte S458906 MKPROJECT: Stata module to create a project folder with some boilerplate code and research log ...
we cannot assign any state to the control group, and we will get the error message invalid group specification None of the groups defined by state is a control.r(198) after runningdidregress. In other words, we do not have a state that is never treated and that is in the control group...