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Dear Statalist, This post is to ask how I can obtain group-by-group bootstrap statistics on a file that is created by -bsample, stratify(group)- and therefore is in the form of 1 observation per group per replication. For example: group 1, rep #1 adjusted outcome for group 1 group ...
Method 1 – Group Rows by Cell Value in Excel Using DataTab Select one of the cells in the States column. Go to theDatatab and selectAscendingsorting (Sort A to Z). Select the entire table. Go to theDatatab and selectSubtotal. In the pop-up window, select “States,”“Sum,” and...
Re: How to rename a group of variables utilize array and looping method Posted 10-03-2024 10:36 AM (556 views) | In reply to stataq First define in quite a bit more detail what "rename the variables that start with 'COL' to COL1-COLx, where x is how many var...
(2016).2 Note that the standard errors from this regression will be biased due to the fact that they ignore the first estimation. To avoid this, we can use nonparametric bootstrap, performing both stages of the estimation in each bootstrap replication. In Stata, we can implement this ...
Generalizability was assessed by comparing demographic and clinical characteristics to the U.S. spine pain population using data from national health and healthcare surveys. In addition, since spinal manipulation was performed by chiropractors in the clinical trials, the study aimed to assess for ...
Why reprex? Getting unstuck is hard. Your first step here is usually to create a reprex, or reproducible example. The goal of a reprex is to package your code, and information about your problem so that others can run it…
These benefits of digital transformation for low-share players may be mitigated to some extent by the better search rank positions (e.g., on Google, both organic and paid) that larger firms are likely to achieve. However, in total, the emergence of the Internet lowers market entry barriers ...
For our next example, suppose we want to create the following table: Note that the rows are defined by categories of race and the columns are defined by the categories of sex. We can utilize thecollect getcommand to create this table layout in Stata: ...
Save the spreadsheet. Read the spreadsheet into Stata usinginsheet. Drop the last variable. Adding a column of 1s will avoid the problem of empty cells in the last column, causing Excel to write the correct number of separators on each line....