ceiling,floor,round,signif,trunc,zapsmall:舍入 √ max,min,pmax,pmin:最大最小值 range:最大值和最小值 √ sum,prod:向量元素和积 cumsum,cumprod,cummax,cummin:累加、累乘 √ sort:排序 approx和approx fun:插值 diff:差分 √ sign:符号函数 六、数学函数 abs,sqrt:绝对值,平方根 log, exp, log10...
(1)指定统计检验方式(2)指定比较组并添加P值(3)任意比较(4)分组比较 (5)使用星号代替P值 等 一 载入R包 数据 使用本文开始的基因集评分的结果 和ggpubr包进行统计检验以及可视化的展示。 library(tidyverse) library(ggpubr) load( "sce.anno.RData") df <- sce2@meta.data head(df) 二ggpubr可视化...
If ggpubr can do this in a simple addition of a string, that would be amazing! Thanks! library(ggpubr) #> Loading required package: ggplot2 #> Loading required package: magrittr # Simulate data frame of 20 observations for a gene across 4 groups of sample (5 each) df <- data....
numericCoordinates (in data units) to be used for absolute positioning of the label. If too short they will be recycled. vjust move the text up or down relative to the bracket. tip.length numeric vector with the fraction of total height that the bar goes down to indicate the precise colum...