step off on the wrong foot 一开始就错,出师不利 on the wrong foot 以不好的方式开始, 出师不利 start at the wrong end 开头就错, 做事不得法 put a foot wrong 出差错,说错话,做错事,闯祸 set a foot wrong 行为不适宜,犯错误 catch someone on the wrong foot 使某人措手不及,不期而...
The meaning of GET/START OFF ON THE WRONG FOOT is to begin a relationship badly. How to use get/start off on the wrong foot in a sentence.
Related to start off on the wrong foot:start off on the right foot </>embed</> obstruct hold back block procrastinate stall drag your feet f%t lowest part foundation base end bottom bottom f%t hoof trotter pad paw paw tootsies tootsies ...
start off on the wrong foot 一开始就错,出师不利相关短语 anchoring (位错的) 钉轧 crossing (位错的) 割切 tail water (从建筑物的下游一端排出的水) 尾水 measles toxicity (古代指麻疹后出现的一系列病症) 疹毒 idea (建筑师或工程师的初步设想) 构思 set up scale instrument (刻度不是从零开始的仪...
START DOING somethingto start a relationship badly or well开始时关系不好/好 Simon and I got off on the wrong foot but we’re good friends now. 我和西蒙一开始相处不来,但是现在成了好朋友。 →start/get off on the wrong/right footatfoot1(14)...
start off on the wrong foot To have a bad start. Said of something that goes or has gone awry at the very beginning.I know we started off on the wrong foot when I was a half hour late to the interview, but I promise that I will always be on time once I start working here. ...
释义 Idiom I seem to have got off on the wrong foot with the new boss.看来我和新老板的关系一开头就不好。 时代网英语在线翻译词典收录了323754条英语词汇在线翻译词条,基本涵盖了全部常用英语词汇的中英文双语翻译及用法,是英语学习的有利工具。
释义 请查阅词条:start/get off on the wrong/right foot 随便看 unknowingly unknowingness unknowingnesses unknown unknownness unknowns unknown soldier unknown-soldier unknownsoldier Unknown Soldier, the unknown to unknown to sb unknown to somebody unlawful unlawfully unlawfulness unlawfulnesses unleaded unl...
start off on the wrong foot)Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Financial, Idioms. Related to start off on the wrong foot: start off on the right footfoot, in anatomy foot, in anatomy, terminal part of the land vertebrate leg. The term is also applied to any invertebrate ...
start something off on the wrong foot相当于to begin in the wrong way. 可以译为“一开始就错了”或“没有好的开始”。 这个片语是从“舞蹈领域”中得来的──如果两个人刚开始跳舞时都使用左脚或右脚,不就脚碰脚了吗?一开始就错了!下面这段话是对这个片语的解...