rsem-calculate-expression \--paired-end \ #双端测序--no-bam-output \ #不输出bam结果(bam是一种文件格式,sam->bam)--alignments-p16-q./04STAR_out/sampleAligned.toTranscriptome.out.bam \#比对所用的线程和输入文件./05rsem_index/Brapa_genome \#索引文件所在目录及其前缀./06rsem_out/sample_rsem...
--quantMode TranscriptomeSAM GeneCounts #将上面基因组比对的信息转化为转录本比对的信息,count # --quantMode TranscriptomeSAM will output alignments translated into tran-script coordinates,为了使用RSEM 进行定量分析做准备;# STAR align 复杂版本 样本R2 STAR --runThreadN 12 --genomeDir arab_STAR_genom...
而且STAR众多的输出文件可以满足不同的需求。HISAT2因为索引的优势,可以相对轻松比对跨区域的reads(可变剪切),而Tophat2耗时久,STAR耗内存,HISAT2克服了两个的缺点[2]。 (四)定量软件 介绍的定量软件有RSEM、featureCounts 和HTSeq-count。RSEM像是一个集成的软件,对新手甚是友好,不仅提供了定量的命令,甚至连构建...
Description of the bug When nextflow is started from an NFS mount (AWS EFS volume), the star_rsem aligner fails at the rsem-calculate-expression step. It appears that this step launches STAR and requires a file system supporting FIFO (na...
RNA sequencing analysis pipeline using STAR, RSEM, HISAT2 or Salmon with gene/isoform counts and extensive quality control. Resources Readme License MIT license Code of conduct Code of conduct Citation Cite this repository Activity Custom properties Stars 0 stars Watc...
RNA seq STAR与rsem的区别 目录 第一课 课程介绍 第二课 RNAseq技术 第三课 RNAseq发展历史 第四课 关于基因的概念 第一课 课程介绍 RNAseq捕获了细胞某一状态下所有的转录信息 DNA是静态信息、RNA是动态信息,是某一时刻DNA表达谱的快照 课程大纲
Subdivided starPathsRSEMT labelingA reverse edge magic total (REMT) labeling for the graph Γ = ( V (Γ), E (Γ)) along with cardinality of p = | V (G)| and q = | E (G)| respectively. A one-one map π : V (Γ) ∪ E (Γ) → {1, 2,,| V (Γ)|+| E (Γ)|} ...
FastQC Multiqc Trimmomatic STAR RSEM Subread HTSeq kallisto Deseq2 ...(conda可以安装) 查看软件是否可用,及时更新;准备好文件; ~/.bashrc screen-Shan #创建新窗口# 会话为dead状态。使用screen -wipe命令清除该会话# 鉴定是双端还是单端:计算fq.gz文件的reads;两个gz文件的reads数目相等,为双端测序;zcat-...
RNA sequencing analysis pipeline using STAR, RSEM, HISAT2 or Salmon with gene/isoform counts and extensive quality control. Topics workflow rna-seq pipeline nextflow rna nf-core Resources Readme License MIT license Code of conduct Code of conduct Citation Cite this repo...
RNA sequencing analysis pipeline using STAR, RSEM, HISAT2 or Salmon with gene/isoform counts and extensive quality control. - yanqi219/rnaseq