This article concerns itself with the general production and performances of the official Star Trek theatrical feature films as produced and distributed by Paramount Pictures, having been the full rights title holder from 1979 (Star Trek: The Motion Pict
Gr'oth in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode Trials and Tribble-ations. K't'inga class SKIN UNLOCK: Free The K't'inga class was first introduced in the early 2270s, but despite the vessel's age its popularity among Klingon Defense Force officers remains strong. When compared to ...
Star Trek Online entered the closed beta stage on 22 October 2009. On 9 November 2009, the February 2010 release date was announced, with open beta details being released the following week. The open beta stage was originally intended to last from 12 January 2010 through 24 January 2010. Thi...
There have been many versions ofStar Trek's signature starship, the USS Enterprise, and here's every vessel to bear the iconic name. Home to some of the most exciting adventures in theStar Trekfranchise's illustrious history,the Starship Enterprise is also one of the most recognizable ships in...
本吧热帖: 1-吧规和xia载 2-孩子们,变形人渗透进来了 3-星际舰队体系示意图 4-我只感到绝望 5-新剧《舰队学院》 6-犹记得之前玩的《Star Trek:fleet command》 7-所以乔久是怎么让她的元帅开口的? 8-话说关于战锤40K中超光速到底相当于约合曲速多少?大家发表意见 9-星际
本吧热帖: 1-吧规和xia载 2-在deepseek的帮助下,根据《星际迷航》原初写了个同人文 3-有大佬知道这是什么船吗 4-为什么都说发现号不行? 5-这是官方剧里第一次出现星联地图的大致样貌吧 6-星际迷航TOS原初双语特效重制 7-图片分享。 8-Xindi星域在alpha象限的哪个位置 9-话
【下载链接🔗】:网页链接 《星际迷航:皮卡德》(Star Trek: Picard)是《星际迷航》系列的第八部电视剧,设定在《星际迷航:复仇女神》(Star Trek: Nemesis)之后的18年。该剧讲述了让-卢克·皮卡德(Jean-Luc Picard,由帕特里克·斯图尔特饰演)在退休后重返太空,探索人生的“下一篇章”。皮卡德在剧中面临新的挑战,包...
While it's unlikely that 2025'sStar Trekorigin movie will be a reboot that recastsStar Trek: Enterprise's characters, its success could lead Paramount to revisit the adventures of the Enterprise NX-01. From the Temporal Cold War to the Xindi Incident and the Terra Prime terrorist organization...
Star Trek: Attack Wing Wiki Others Like You Viewed Kor Khyzag Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Duras' Bird-of-Prey IKS Hegh'ta personnel Top Pages this Week Romulan Starship - Romulan Science Vessel (Cost 12) 1 Klingon 2 Federation 3
Star Trek: Discovery Review Text As I was watching "Anomaly," I realized we've reached the Hallmark Greeting Card stage of the Trekkian technobabble episode. This episode is overly earnest Touchy Feely Trek taken to a level of near self-parody. It wants so badly to engage on an emotional...